They have been with us for so long, as they have birthed us and have been watching us from afar. 2 ebook, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Vol. The Golden Dawn Mediation offers an fundamental learning curves towards peaceful awakening. . I live for purpose and inspiration, dedication to service, in gratitude and in abundance, in the best place Ive ever been. "EXTREMELY POWERFUL" Infinity Wisdom 1.14K subscribers Subscribe 1.2K 43K views 1 year ago Arcturians Meditation to activate galactic DNA Get. I saw things differently and my surroundings never made sense to me. This is the synthesis of liberation, enlightenment and full body to energy ascension without any amnesia. I later discovered that I am an Arcturian Starseed with a soul connection with Helio-Ah. Do I really believe in one omnipresent God? Spiritual Business Mega Course - 9 Classes/18 Hours - All on Zoom - Starts March 12th - Register Here This part of the journey may continue for many years and it is during this time that some begin to lose hope in the belief that they will ever achieve what they have believed to be spirituality. I know it can be scary and I know how hard it can be sometimes but you dont need to do it alone. Enjoy the full SoundCloud experience in the app. It is now time for us to find each and come together as we unite to ascend this beautiful Planet Earth. Their knowledge and of chakra and DNA regeneration are the most highly advanced in the galaxy, and one of the most advanced in the entire universe. This reflects high vibrational light, aligns you with your higher self-aspects, and increases your capacity for magical power. For more information on his work refer to websiteDavid Miller Group of Forty. Think about the cosmic energy that comes to you from stars, and let us think about the wonderful ability that each of you is having through our work together. Learn more about Anchor Balancing the biochemical etheric makeup creates consistency throughout all levels of your body. They have also asked for people to put on my Facebook their experiences from the meditations. On Arcturus, the Arcturians have these chambers where they use sound frequency to heal. We are the Arcturian Council. It was then I decided to divorce my husband and unknowingly this resulted in a series of what I then, perceived to be catastrophic events, but now consider my lifes greatest blessings. Our zoom schedule is on YouTube if you would like to join us live in our personal and planetary work when you will be receiving some of the highest frequencies available from the Arcturians & Co. To join one of the events or to book a personal healing session get in touch with Carol Nayach. Daniel Scranton & Maricris Dela Cruz-Scranton, The March 2023 Energies The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, Feb. 28th Satsang & Guided Group Meditation Event, Spiritual Business Mega Course Starts March 12th, March 27th Beginners Group Channeling Class, Channeled Group Live Q&A Weekly Online/Phone In Event, One Hour Private Coaching Session with Daniel, All One-on-One Private Sessions Offered by Daniel, All Membership Programs on, Full Monthly Membership Program Private Session Included, Light Language Healing Session with Daniel Scranton, Emotional Clearing & Vibrational Upgrade Therapy Session, One-On-One Spiritual Business Consultation, Light Language Transmission for Your Intention, Learn to Channel Private Lesson with Daniel Scranton, Learn to Channel Master Course Ascended Masters, ETs, Archangels, Faeries & More, Learn to Channel From the Beings & Collectives Daniel Scranton Channels, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Vol. Meditate in silence and feel as if you can float. To the outsider everything appeared to be perfect, but on the inside, I was dying, I was lost, unhappy and afraid. Also avoid, like the plague, any foods that are over-cooked, over-processed, mouldy and genetically engineered food. Nothing is impossible, the word itself says Im possible. You can request Lord Arcturus to cleanse any residual physical toxins in your body. . You are not alone and dont have to go through this alone. Interested in hosting a group sound bath for an event, celebration or retreat? They are one huge family while they target and abuse those of us who have no idea WTF is going on, and if they are all going to the 5th dimension Ill have to look for another dimension where they are not. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The Arcturians are very advanced healers who use a number of elegant techniques to reactivate forgotten and dormant chakras, and fully heal damaged and forgotten strands of DNA. Follow The Courageous Path and others on SoundCloud. The Arcturian Stargate is a place of unimaginable beauty and an incredible energy of love. Through Marmura's skill as a translator and his extensive annotations, Avicenna's touchstone of Islamic philosophy is more accessible than ever before. It is your Higher Self, the YOU that never left full awareness, and not how many certificates of spiritual achievement you may have accumulated that determines when you are ready to shift to a more fully ascended state of consciousness. This golden cylinder can be called for directly from Lord Arcturus and acts like a huge magnet drawing out impurities. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Join our online portal as a member with exclusive content and a community forum! Channelled material in the main body of the website is taken from David's many books. 400-Mile-Thick Solid Metallic Ball Found Inside Earths Core: Underground World? Arcturian Love and Joy Chamber: This healing involves a chamber on an Arcturian Starship that one can connect to in meditation that can fill one's being with an intense frequency of Love and Joy. They have been asking me for some time to do this and it was the lockdown that forced me to get it together. November 2021 Arcturian Pillar or Light Meditation by Arcturian Healing Method Podcast 4 4 Well, this is embarrassing! Visit for Akashic Records readings, free handouts and meditations. The light it generates fills your entire being with an intense frequency of love and joy in meditation, often lasting throughout your day. I felt like a burden, I felt useless and I felt stuck. The intense high frequency energy that continues flowing to earth is affecting everyone because it is disrupting, changing, and even eliminating many of the well established world concepts originally created from false beliefs and which have long been considered as right and unchangeable. We see them being born every day on your planet, and we recognize the allure of them, even to those of you who are spiritually awake. Thank You. So by healing yourself you are healing everyone and everything in this universe and all others. The next step is acceptance followed by a desire to embrace and integrate truth through study, practice, and meditation. Be smart and wise as a person living on earth, but never forget who you really are. Cease your struggles and rest in what is. You also meet your Arcturian guide/aspect who offers messages/visions for you to take in. Control ones emotions, give no way to anger. We are seen with deep love, devotion, admiration and unconditional love by these Arcturian mothers. We are a highly evolved civilisation and have assisted many planets in their ascension. were evil and of the devil and eventually led to witch burning and the tormenting of anyone with talents not understood by the majority. Mirror of the Goddess Isis Transmission: Glimpsing the Multidimensional Potential of your Being. Arcturian Healing. Healing Thyme uses multiple modalities to help you release that energy and bring balance, peace, joy, gratitude, and love abundantly into your life. The misuse of psychic energy became popular long ago when some realized that these abilities provided them with an easy way to gain control, financial gain, and power over others. These seals are designed for you, the adult self as Be mindful and eliminate addictions to arguing, greediness, controlling of others, and overcome laziness too. We would love to hear from you. Created by Rigby Digital Cease struggling to become what you already are. Let your nature become clear like a limpid lake, and reflect Divine Nature truly, without distortion. Huge Alien Mothership And Three Smaller UFOs Have Been Spotted Near The Moon, Over 96 Canadian Children Ages 2-19 have Died Suddenly or Unexpectedly in the Past 3 Months, Archangel Michael: You Are Shape-Shifting Into A New Reality, The Energies of March 2023; Planetary Sovereignty, Benjamin Fulford Report: China Calls for End of World War III After Massive DEW Attack on Western Country. You will begin to feel energy radiate from your hands. Feel the great sense of peace and balance. Visualize aura as 4 layers spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical, Command all 4 to take the shape of an egg, Command that they interact and merge in balance, Say My spiritual body is so strong that it can heal any imperfections in my emotional body now., Let Golden Light come through your crown chakra, Find yourself sitting in a beautiful garden with Golden Light, Sit in the presence or Archangel Metatron, Let Metatron crack open the stargate so you can see and feel the Light, Reenter physical body chanting Ta ta ta ta ta. Here, high frequency light from the Arcturians is run through your etheric bodys holographic grid in a specific isolated manner. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Meditate upon the Earth triplicity, visualizing the symbol of the bull, a virgin, and a goat, which stand for the Kerubic Earth. Our mission is to help bring awesomeness to your life, Join us for a week of travel and learning. Never fear anything outside of yourSelf. Meditation exercises can offer you an accessible way of connecting to your home star. How could an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Reality create something separate from ITself? Lets dive deep into meditation and spirituality. Ive supported clients through stress reduction, physical injury, mental illness, accident recovery, pre/post-surgery, cancer, fertily, grief, galactic activations, energetic cord cutting, sexual trauma, familial trauma, divorce, job loss, spiritual awakening and much more! It is Divinely guided through the form of the Arcturians. In 2017, at the age of 30. All meditations go out on my YouTube channel Carol Nayach Arcturian Light Spiritual evolution is simply the process of remembering who you are. This is just one of them. This device clears etheric mucus and debris from your etheric meridians, chakras, nadis, veins, arteries, and capillaries. They also offer detox from toxicities/densities and upgrades and galactic activation codes. Receiving healing from the Arcturians also brings a much vaster perspective on life, the universe and everything and brings increased spiritual awareness in the direction of transcendence. Yes, there are negative entities busy with attempts to cause havoc and negativity in the minds of those who are receptive and they can align with because having blocked themselves from their own energy source they need to create and draw energy from others. Gene. You will witness many of these ideas, rules, laws, religious beliefs, and traditions dissolving into the nothingness that they really are, which will allow higher forms of these same things to manifest. And as we said earlier, even being a leader in that movement can become an attachment if you think that it has to be you. Healing is powerful and the meditative state where its full potential is reached is deep meditation or the twilight zone between waking and sleeping. I will put our Zoom details in the description and look forward to many more people joining us live. In fact the possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination. This cannot be achieved engaged in a job or whilst driving! Remember that, and do not think of the third dimension and all third-dimensional ways as being beneath you either. (by joint meditation) This is a major activation session that targets the third eye, crown chakra, fourth eye (back of the head/global vision), and sacral chakra, clearing and . elevated state of mind, coherent heart body in alignment with inner universe for ultimate expansion. The healing session upgrades and balances 12 main brain structures in the nervous system. A lot has changed since then, now writing this in the present moment of 2021, most people who meet me would never guess this was my story. In order to receive healing from these technologies you must simply ask and allow. The Arcturians are the guardians of the Stargate and work under the direction of Archangel Metatron. Arcturians are experts in assisting with human soul ascension. This is a DNA activation and energetic healing meditation thatchannels Arcturian energy to help us align and clear. The energy transmission starts at 11 minutes. You will most likely fall asleep at some point (as the conscious mind shuts off to let the unconscious mind be recoded), so its good to be in a comfortable position when you listen to it. . We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. !Visit our website Learn more about Anchor And one of the ways that you lead people in the consciousness evolution movement is by letting go of those attachments. And there are many of you who are spiritually awake; there are more than there ever has been there on Earth. It has been said that when Glastonbury and Shaftsbury unite we will come into Christ Consciousness. All our Meditations, Q&As and Teachings now go out Live on Zoom. Please realise the importance of this work. As we work to integrate our 5D self and light of soul into our Being, our high heart begins to open and activate. For more on this, and instructions, click here. You may not receive the full benefit the healing you have requested if these activities and addictions, or your other addictions or attachments, are not moderated or completely eliminated from your life. And so, they weight you down, and they keep you in a third-dimensional vibration. The first level is a number of transmissions, meditations, and knowledge meant to increase participants healing abilities through building one's energetic structure. . Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I am here for you no matter what, in person or in the virtual realm! Now, let us move to spiritual alchemy, that is, the spiritual technology for . It was so sweet to see as I was guiding this meditation that the Arcturians are standing by the empty chambers waiting for their human counterparts to join them! Ask to be taken to this emotional healing chamber on an Arcturian lightship, through meditation. Me and my Arcturian aspect Binkh provide a bridge in this guided meditation for you to connect with the healing chamber that is waiting for you! Meditate on a straight line. They also offer detox from toxicities/densities and upgrades and galactic activation codes. Attend live and/or receive the This divine healing method is a set of new healing tools and cosmic energies inspired by higher beings from the star system Arcturus. You will ascend, and this will be the lifetime in which you do it. We are also planning a retreat to Tregura in the Spanish Pyrenees for May 2023. We have all noticed how the energy of our group work together is expanding and becoming more powerful. Ultimately we achieve the enlightened state of Christ consciousness embodiment where we are free to leave the cycle of Earth incarnations and ascend. We then went on to the Abbey ruins at Shaftsbury, the first abbey to have an abbess. Thanks so much! We are talking about your attachments to having a lot of money in the bank or your attachments to being at the frontline of the consciousness evolution movement. Draw that image back into the pressure of the energy vortex behind the third eye. Look no further! Meditation. 1 ebook, Ascension: The Shift to the 5th Dimension Paperback & ebook Editions, Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings Vol. For as long as I can remember I knew that I was different. I was married, with a beautiful daughter, was a successful CEO, making crazy amounts of money, spending like crazy and living like a millionaire. Are you trolling? Please look them up, they are very powerful and transforming. Once the room is completely filled, sit in silence. 4 ebook, Hardcover Editions of My Books All 6 of Them, Daniels Paperback Books & ebooks from Higher Dimensional Beings, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension Vol. As energy remains stagnate for long periods of time it can begin to cause illness and pain. The session involves a large injection of chakra block removal energy. Arcturian Sonic Codes Throat Chakra Meditation Arcturian Healing Method Podcast By Gene Ang Aug 20, 2022. . Affirmations: I Am a Starseed Alchemist, a Transformer of Toxic Energies. Looking out on the universe from this standpoint, identify with the earth spirits in love and sympathy. Please download one of our supported browsers. Dear Mary, the fact you think the global elites have never done anything to you in this life is the most naive ignorant thing Ive heard all day lol. They are there to be experienced, to be enjoyed, and for you to release resistance to those that you dont find so enjoyable. This divine healing method is a set of new healing tools and cosmic energies inspired by higher beings from the star system Arcturus. I first became aware of the Arcturians through one ofDavid K Millers channelled booksThe Sacred Triangle Volume 1. They have also asked for people to put on my Facebook their experiences from the meditations. The Arcturians have been asking me for some time to use social media to increase our numbers. Journey to Healing: Linda Johns is hosting a class, Arcturian Healing Method Level 1, taught by Gene Ang, PHD. Our mission is to assist you in your ascension process and the ascension of your planet. to help you overcome for example low self esteem, fear base emotions, stress, anxiety, emotion base memories in your body, it can be work related, family issues, relationships, spiritual . Recognize that everyone is playing their roles perfectly right now to get you to that higher level of consciousness, and you can enjoy what you are receiving from those who guide and teach you, and let that be enough for now. Because your consciousness goes with you wherever you go, your Light automatically and without conscious thought or effort affects your work, play, gatherings of family and friends as well as everything you focus attention onthe world, news, etc. (These Arcturians have showed up more and more in the Akashic Records recently they have big eyes and a crystalline blue/purple/silver color) Before falling asleep each night call on Lord Arcturus and the Arcturian collective and ask for any specific healing you require foryour body. Email: nayachcarol@gmail.comFacebook: Carol Nayach Arcturian Light arcturian_light_londonZoom Meeting ID: 9829596972, Carol Nayach Website created by Web Joy. Anyone with talents not understood by the majority if you can request Lord Arcturus and acts a. Sit in silence Ive ever been ultimately we achieve the enlightened state of mind, coherent heart body alignment... 4 4 Well, this is a set of new healing tools and cosmic energies inspired by beings. 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