The goddess, now freed, used her own life force to imprison the monsters inside a pocket dimension within a moonstone, now known as Selne's Eye. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] This was typically carved into or out of moonstone and fashioned into an item of jewelry. Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while you wear this cloak. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][note 1] In the Shining Lands of Durpar, Estagund, and Var the Golden, Selne was known as Lucha, She Who Guides, and her worship was part of belief in the Adama. [note 1] In the time of ancient Netheril, when she was a greater goddess, she held the portfolios of the moon, moonlight, and stars; beauty and purity; love and marriage; navigation and navigators; tracking, wanderers, and seekers; diviners and dreams; good and neutral lycanthropes; and autumn. Luna closely resembles an aged version of the Selne depicted in the Song of Selne, implying this is the same avatar. If youve read this far, my question is this: What twists and turns should make an appearance along this story arc? [4] Followers of Lucha believed she watched over all marriages performed by her clergy. He failed, but as he lay dying beneath a desert moon, Selne healed him through divine intervention. [4][5] In the 14th century DR, the church's ideology of female empowerment made her popular with alewives, laundresses, seamstresses, and servants. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does all life. There are several dieties in the core books that would, and indeed mention, have druids worshipers. [1][2][6], In the Shining Lands, where Selne was known as Lucha, the city of Lastarr was a hub of her faith. [2][3] However, there were still many commonalities and shared matters of faith. The Mystery of the Night must be performed at least once a year by every priest. From the shadows of chaos, two sisters are born,One bright Selne, the other dark Shar.A harmonious balance soon to be tornWhen Selne gifts life with flame from afar! The avatar promised the faithful her grace and protection. [69] Some folk believed silver to be Selne's hardened tears. High Initiate Courynna Jacerryl, upon receiving. Portfolio: Moon, stars, navigation, navigators, wanderers, questers, good and neutral lycanthropes [55], After the Spellplague, Selne became a popular deity across Faern, as her priesthood made pilgrimages to every corner of the continent, wanting to bring hope to people in those desperate times. We've already been saving your edits, so if you Higher-ranked clergy were instead known as "Priestess/Priest of the" followed by a term traditional to the shrine or temple with which the priest was affiliated. A commoner's necklace with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. The demands she places on her followers are few, and the goddess is reputed to be free with her gifts and boons to mortals. The faithful of Selune yet hope to restore it to her care. A great deal of moon-related activity occurs in and around Waterdeep, and most of this is attributed to the temple to Our Lady of Silver. Selune is worshiped by a mixed bag of followers: navigators, sailors, women, female spellcasters (especially those born under a full moon or interested in divination), good- and neutral-aligned lycanthtopes, those who work honestly at night, those seeking protection from Shar, the lost, the questing, and those curious about the future. By this long-sighted policy Selune allows her clergy to become happy, fulfilled, important people, and sees her faith steadily gain power thereby. LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE [3] LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE [2] LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE [4] [48], For a long time, Selne had chosen to live her life as a mortal woman in the city of Waterdeep. [4][5], Again like the cycles of the moon, Selne had many and changing moods and natures. Then they flew upwards, to spiral around the night sky and even to circle the moon. As it stands, my idea is that the Paladins tribe has come under the sway of a new religious leader who promises them power and loot if they destroy and raid several holy sites of Selune. However, Tyche instead split down the middle, producing first Tymora, the goddess of good luck, and then Beshaba, goddess of bad luck. [2][3], There were broadly two kinds of Selnite clergy: those who remained at the temples (often but not necessarily due to age or infirmity), and those who wandered Faern. [34], According to one of the most ancient myths of the creation of the world and the heavens, after the universe and its crystal sphere were created by Lord Ao, there was naught but the primordial essence, the protoplasmic raw stuff of existence. [7], She was believed to control the ebb and flow of the tides and to comfort those in need during the night. [1][4][7], In the mid14th century DR, Selne aided the god-like cat lords. [4], Selne was worshiped by the Netherese in the ancient empire of Netheril. You should check them out. A wall engraved with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. In Tymora, Selne had saved all that was good and pure in Tyche. [30] In their never-ending struggle across the sky, Selne was slain by Shar at every new moon. Fountains and plants line the walls. Enemies [1][2][3] The silverstar specialty priests were elite members of the church. [9], Babes born beneath a full moon often grew up to exhibit magical talent, thanks to Selne's link with Mystra. The ceremonial costume of Selunites varies from place to place. This is a lore pamphlet for players that play clerics, paladins, or worshippers of Selune, goddess of good and neutral lycanthropes, moon, navigation, questers, stars, wanderers, motherhood, and reproductive cycles in the Forgotten Realms. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. [47], However, Selne had weakened herself and sacrificed her immortal youthful vitality and beauty, aging thousands of years. On Selunes Hallowing, a yearly Waterdhavian temple holiday, Naneatha carries it before her at the head of a parade of worshipers that leave the House of the Moon at moonrise and move down to the harbor. The grandest and haughtiest wore only the very finest attire, such as expensive gowns bedecked with jewels, with magical and animated capes and trains, and crowns set with moonstones. A stone with Selne's symbol etched on the surface. Symbol The spirits of elves discover new mysteries once they transcend their mortal existences. Novices are charged with the words of the goddess: Let all on whom my light falls be welcome if they desire to be so. The holy symbol of Selne in the form of a silver pendant. Two female eyes surrounded by seven stars, Mariners, travelers, people needing comfort, Pair of female eyes surrounded by seven silver stars, Two darkly beautiful human female eyes surrounded by a circle of seven silver stars, Circle of seven stars around two feminine eyes, This article is about the goddess. The eternal war between Selne and Shar was waged through their servitor creatures and mortal worshipers and thus their respective religions, reflecting the unending tension between good and light versus evil and dark. I was going to be Tuxedo Mask and I was going to find my Sailor Moon and we were gonna do idk moon stuff. Selne (pronounced:/slun/seh-LOON-eh[1][4][5] or:/slune/seh-LOON-ay[6]), also known as Our Lady of Silver, the Moonmaiden, and the Night White Lady, was the goddess of the moon in the Faernian pantheon. Selune felt that her worshippers had begun to take the moonfire for granted, using it as if it were a substance of no consequence brewed by the local alchemist. Relationships One order of fanatic Selunites is known as the Swords of the Lady, who are often referred to colloquially as the Lunatics. Selnite doctrine implied that the moon had a subtle effect on the natural cycles of the female body; at a full moon, a female cleric felt closest to the goddess. They are in reality planetars. Mystryl balanced the conflict and mediated an uneasy truce. A wrist tattoo of Selune's crescent moon symbol. [2], The Selnite religion was an ancient one in Faern. Her faithful, coming from many walks of life, viewed her in countless different ways, and she reflected this. Erro, Tiefling Cleric of Selune. Thanks to Selne's help, the dragonborn survivors were able to gather and found the city-citadel of Djerad Thymar. Her churches vary as do the phases of the moon, from opulent temples in Waterdeep to simple shrines in the Dalelands, from hermitages and hilltop dancing circles to ornate mansion temples. After a brief battle in which the good and evil aspects of the fallen Tyche nearly destroyed each other if not for the combined effort of Azuth, Lathander, and Selune, Beshaba cursed the four deities, decrying them as murderers and luckless villains unworthy of both her presence and her good will. [4] Rituals often involved offerings of milk or wine and dancing, and were performed as personal matters. [7] These habits kept the clergy well-traveled, resilient, and in touch with the natural world in a practical manner. Many rituals revered a woman's role as a teacher and role model, both in the home and in society. [4], When manifested as an avatar, she could cast a wide variety of magical spells, except those of the plant sphere and any that conjured darkness. [11], An excerpt from a ballad by Veseene the Lark[36]. The elite specialty priests of the goddess are known as silverstars. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. A cleric of Selne casting the handfire spell. As Kyriani fought Shar as a distraction, Timoth, Vajra, and Onyx opened the door fully, releasing Selne's godly power. If watched over time, her appearance seemed to grow to full radiance or to age and fade away, in keeping with the waxing or waning of the moon. They make much small coin by telling fortunes, because folk who try to read the stars never achieve the same success rate in predictions as do clergy members who can call on Selune for real guidance. Her relationship with Sune and Lliira is still extremely friendly and cooperative. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One D&D future. For example, a band of adventurers on a night-time raid might make an offering to Selne for guidance. The walls are etched with beautiful murals, and statues circle the room. They were fearless and did all they could to uncover, cure, or eliminate the affliction of lycanthropy. [1][2][3][4] A Moon's Hand had a smooth head[1][2][3] representing the moon in a specific phase. In this way, Selune steadily gains worshipers from the ranks of those who look to the night sky for guidance. Impulsive and bored of a life of ease, she "borrowed" a wand of power from "her father" and used it to fly away in a bubble of force, so that she might experience life in other realms. All of these titles are followed by Priestess/Priest.. She would be mimicked by junior clerics, who felt honored to participate. These were held on the nights of every full moon and new moon. Contents Activities Culture Possessions Abilities Spellcasting Powers Lycanthropy Relationships Members Notable Silverstars Appendix Appearances References Activities Over time, she broke her spirit and bent her to her will. For example, Priestess of the High Moonlight Naneatha Suaril was high priestess of the House of the Moon in Waterdeep. However, one did not believe her: Luna, the true avatar of Selne, who'd come with her friend Vajra to see for herself. Vajra and Luna went to investigate the other avatar. Below are images related to the deity. Thus the connection between the two remains a mystery, though Selne's earlier Netherese incarnation was also a goddess of beauty. [11] Through the moon, she controlled the powers of lycanthropes. She could freely cast divination spells, even alongside other spells. Also known as Our Lady of Silver and the Moonmaiden, she is the Faernian goddess of light, the moon, stars, navigation, navigators, wanderers, questers, and goodly lycanthropes. A wrist tattoo with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. [2][3][24][note 2] For example, High Initiate Courynna Jacerryl would pour milk and wine over a moonstone-inlaid altar, then dance while chanting a prayer. Most of these images were created by this website, and are meant for PERSONAL USE only (if you wish to use these images for commercial purposes, please contact us). She is seen in many ways by her followers, who are a diverse group, and she is at times effervescently joyful and active, at others maternal, quiet, and almost poetic, and at yet others warlike and fierce, showing little mercy to her foes. [39] A temple dedicated to Selne, the Abbey of the Moon, was established in 3847DR.[40][41], In the Year of Sundered Webs, 339 DR, Karsus's Folly triggered the death of Mystryl and caused the cataclysmic Fall of Netheril. Sehanine unveils the next step through dreams and visions revealed during the elven reverie. Yet they were so close they saw themselves as one being, known later as the Two-Faced Goddess or the Sisters-Who-Were-One. Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement). There were also humble hermitages, hilltop circles in which worshipers danced in the night, and ornate temple mansions, which were huge edifices with open-air courtyards or great skylights. [11][31], In battle, Selne sometimes wielded a moon blade +3, in fact a lasting form of the moon blade spell. When Thymara asked Selne what she was expecting in return for her help, Selne only answered that she wanted the dragonborn to thrive on Toril. For one night only, the Shards would do as the clergy bade them, most often to combat the minions and dark forces of Shar. [35] Her true identity as Selne unknown, Luna was kept as a "special guest"prisonerat the House of the Moon for a dozen days. The fragile, eternal balance Lord Ao has charged us gods to uphold. This was draining and injurious, but easily healed with time or magic. Her worship flourished in Thentia. Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement). After the Godswar, she went her own way again. He was injured grievously and Selune revealed the location of a forgotten tomb of one of her historic clerics. [9] Then she was remote and weighed down by sadness at defeats and tragedies, even those that happened long, long ago. (Such visions were claimed by tieflings of several faiths, such as Tymora's. Finally, do what I never did and GET THE MOONBLADE. Founded as a city of Selunites ages ago, its mythal is linked to the moon, and it appears only on certain moonlit nights as a ghostly, floating splendor of walls and towers only to disappear again. Selne to Shar during their battle over Waterdeep. [5], Avatars of Selne most often wandered the Outer Planes, seeking out magical lore or an advantage to help her destroy Shar once and for all. Not to stroke too much to Sailor Moon but Selune kinda also follows the fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight mantra. A number of spells and prayers were unique to Selnite priests or were closely associated with them: Clerics, druids, and rangers initiated into the higher secrets of the church could choose all these spells and were greatly skilled in casting auguries and divinations.[17]. Selne is kind, caring, and ageless, ever waxing and waning in power. When the two were created and alone among the planes, there was calm and harmony. [1][2][3][4][6][7] Common features were feminine symbols, small gardens, and reflecting ponds. Milk was seen as a symbol of motherhood and the sustaining power of the feminine. On the other hand, it is possible that this father is strictly the father of Luna, Selne's avatar. [29], Selne was in constant conflict with Shar, her sister and the goddess of darkness. Meanwhile, sailors defending the goddess's name in tavern brawls saw their blades glow softly with a pale violet light. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. She was followed by those who were lost and those who were questing. [1] Meanwhile, those conceived under moonlight were believed to "have the moon alive within them" and expected to turn to the worship of Selne. May Selne guide your steps in the night, and bring them to the new dawn. In late 1340s DR, the conman and thief Conner attempted to rescue the young Vajra Valmeyjar from slavery to Pasha Abon Duum in Manshaka. Additionally, you learn the spells water walk & levitate. As Tymora 's across the sky, Selne was slain by Shar at every new moon performed at least a... In Waterdeep might make an offering to Selne 's help, the Abbey of the depicted! Also a goddess of darkness yet hope to restore it to her care Song Selne. 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