"Physicians warn that patients missing even one treatment increase their risk of death by 30%," according to the Mercury News. Especially when those organizations already have a sweetheart deal granting them a total monopoly on a particular activity. Because a city this offbeat deserves a newsletter with some and Oakland Election: Latest results on propositions and key races, Voters are really angry: How S.F. There are several candidates with good qualifications, but we were not able to definitively make a recommendation. All charter amendments must be approved by a 50% + 1 majority. She holds a BA in political science from Fisk University, and a Masters of Science in public policy and management from Carnegie Mellon University. To familiarize themselves with changes, SanFranciscans are invited to: Go digital with your Voter Information Pamphlet! Sign up for GrowSF's weekly roundup of important SF news. Q:Article 34, a relic of Californias ugly history of racism, demands cities put new subsidized affordable housing developments to a vote. Electric vehicles are absolutely crucial for mitigating climate change, and that means we need to plan 30 years ahead to make sure the grid can handle it. Brooke Jenkins is the only candidate with a plan to make San Francisco safer, treat victims with respect, and to hold criminals accountable for their actions. Meteorologist Gerry Daz examines why Februarys storm door was left wide open and when more Yosemite breaks snow record; park closed indefinitely, The epic California snowpack is inching toward record levels. Californians will vote twice on the Senate race in November. So, if you value an outsider's tenacity and eagerness to investigate the party in power, then you'll probably want to vote for Lanhee Chen. On the Presidio Trust, Hurabiell chaired the Finance and Audit Committee where she ensured issues flagged in audits were fixed. Arts and music education is important for children. Shirley Weber: The appointed incumbents experience and deep commitment to free, fair and informed elections make her the best candidate. 10 positive effects of population growth on economic development Once Prop D is enacted, three kinds of housing will be streamlined: This is fantastic! Drop your completed ballot at one of 34 Official Ballot Drop Box locationsacross San Francisco on your way to school, work, or even when walking your dog. voters reject Prop. A new tax on their vacant unit doesn't change these economics they're still losing money on the unit (albeit, slightly more money). Supervisor Rafael Mandelman is running against laywer Kate Stoia in District 8, which includes the Castro. The change sets the threshold of valid signatures at roughly 10,000, which is roughly the same as it is now. nobody is homeless! This will be funded by a new 1.75% income tax on people earning more than $2 million per year. Below are our official endorsements for the upcoming San Francisco elections in 2022. Prop 29 will not improve treatment at kidney dialysis clinics. Here's what we think about the four candidates we think have the best credentials: Jill Yee, Marie Hurabiell, John Rizzo, and Thea Selby. This doesn't inspire much confidence. The San Francisco League of Pissed Off Voters membership voted to endorse the following candidates and ballot measures for the November 2022 election. The measure requests authorization to develop up to 3,000 more units of low-rent housing in the city. This means that the Board of Supervisors is granted the authority to apply Prop D to more kinds of housing construction in the future. Proposition I will shut down the extremely popular JFK Promenade in Golden Gate Park, which is enjoyed by thousands of families, seniors, and children every day. Ten candidates are vying to replace Mayor Libby Schaaf, who's termed out of office. Matt Dorsey is a strong voice for public safety, personal responsibility, and for holding drug dealers accountable. . ), but it means that no one can ever move because all of the homes are taken. According to Article XVIII of the California Constitution, amendments to the California Constitution initiated by the State Legislature must first be approved by a supermajority of both houses and the amendment must then be approved by voters with a simple majority of 50% + 1. N: The measure is a missing link to help make JFK Drive more equitable by giving the city more flexibility to offer discounted rates at the Museum Concourse Garage. A Yes vote will allow the law to be implemented and let the legislature do its job. If this or another similar national abortion ban passes in the future, California can challenge the applicability of that federal law within our state borders. We're not affiliated with any of the organizations or sources listed. Something went wrong. Despite controversy over an endorsement questionnaire gaffe, appointed incumbent Ann Hsu still has the support of a number of groups. With an annual budget of about $700 million, the department is the largest city agency without an oversight body. GrowSF declined to make an endorsement in this contest. Subscribe to our newsletter and voter guide! TABLE: MIKE EGE SOURCE: SF STANDARD, ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED SEPT 28, 2022 Get the data SF Ballot Measures L-O Endorsements in the November 2022 Primary Election GrowSF opposes Proposition 26 because it is clear regulatory capture by a state-granted monopoly. Please see the candidates and measures SFWPC is supporting this November: Statewide + Regional Candidates: Governor: Gavin Newsom The Sunset deserves a representative who is more interested in helping the community than their own political career. Yes on Prop. J. Gavin Newsom: The governor faced a confluence of challenges in his first term that bordered on apocalyptic. A long ballot like this with 60-70 choices . It needs a two-thirds majority vote to pass. Proposition 31 is a referendum on Senate Bill 793 of 2020, which banned sales of flavored tobacco vaping products except for hookah tobacco, loose-leaf tobacco, and premium cigars. Shamann Walton: He's far from the perfect candidate, but Walton is the right pick over his inexperienced opponent to represent a district with complex needs. The only way to get everyone a good home at a good price is to have a lot of homes, which means accepting that some will sit vacant. Our elections are one of the most critical tools to move us closer to this vision. N:Another Article 34 authorization measure. Runoff: Assembly candidates Haney and Campos, beating Mahmood and Selby. This measure would allow in-person sports betting at the states 66 tribal casinos and four qualified horse racetracks. Register to Vote. And world-class transit needs to be funded well enough to do necessary maintenance, invest in long-term projects, and improve the level of existing service. The winner of this race will serve a new six-year term starting in January. This may result in higher costs to patients, closure of clinics who serve clients in low-income areas, and fewer dialysis clinics opening. GrowSF was unable to reach consensus on who to endorse in this race. Prop E keeps in place "discretionary" permits, which means that nothing is guaranteed by law instead, elected officials decide who can build what and where; a process ripe with corruption. But in a race between two flawed candidates, we're obligated to pick the least-bad, and that's Ricardo Lara. Prop J will reaffirm the extremely popular JFK Promenade and turn it into a permanent park. In 2018, Democratic state Sen. Ricardo Lara defeated Steve Poizner, who ran as an independent but was a Republican when he served as the insurance commissioner from 2007 to 2011. The goal of the SPUR Voter Guide is to offer objective analysis and advise voters on which measures will deliver real solutions. November 2022 California general election. As of Thursday, only about 20% of voters in the city have cast ballots in an election that features a recall against three school board members, an election for state Assembly and a vote on the city's unopposed assessor-recorder position.. 2022 Election Cheat Sheet. A full term is 12 years, but justices may only be eligible for retentions of four or eight years if they are completing the unexpired term of the previous office-holder. The statute must then be approved by voters with a simple majority of 50% + 1. The deadline to request your ballot is December 12, 2022. The only property taxes it actively administers in its entirety are state-assessed properties and the Private Railroad Car Tax; the Board acts only in an appellate role in collecting the Alcoholic Beverage Tax and Insurance Tax, reviewing appeals of denials of claims for refund. Rafael Mandelman: He can be wishy washy in trying to appease both sides of the citys progressive and moderate factions. So while the 40,000 vacant unit number is a deliberate misrepresentation of the US Census data, there are still some homes that stay vacant for a relatively long time. The lack of any serious challenger does highlight a problem with California democracy the Democratic party prevents qualified candidates from running against their top pick. Being a voter is just one way to be civically engaged. S.F. San Francisco February 2022 Nonpartisan Voter Guide. Updated: 06/08/2022 01:50 AM EDT. But it is also worth highlighting that her main opponent, John Hamasaki, holds views that are anathema to a safe city. 29: Over 80,000 people in California rely on dialysis to survive. Low vacancy rates drive up the cost of rent because renters are competing against fewer units. To ensure your ballot is counted either: Use a Ballot Drop Box:You dont have to go far from home to vote. Ultimately the election was a contest between progressive Democrats who saw Mr. Boudin as a key leader of a national . Vote No on Prop M. Proposition N is a Board of Supervisors initiative ordinance which will dissolve the Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority (a public entity created via a 1998 ballot measure) and transfer ownership and operational duties of the underground parking garage to the City. No on Prop. The Democratic Socialists have been repeating the debunked lie that there are over 40,000 vacant homes in San Francisco. According to Article II, Section 8 of the California Constitution, citizens may introduce statutes (laws) by collecting signatures (5% of the votes cast in the most recent Governor's race). You can also sign up for a monthly email newsletter to get news, events, and campaign highlights delivered to your inbox. Scroll down to read our full San Francisco voter guide, or print our cheat-sheet to share in person. All new housing will still be subject to multiple layers of debate and red tape, fully compliant housing will still be subject to political interference, and it has a poison pill that will kill all of the good things about Prop D. Like Prop D, Prop E will not cost the city any extra money. No on Prop. Yes on Prop. That was the case in the much-publicized delay of 469 Stevenson, a proposed 500-unit development on a downtown parking lot, which led to a state investigation of SFs housing policies. The November 8, 2022 general election in San Francisco has over 40 contests to vote on. Her opponent lacks the background and experience to do the job better. Three appointed associate justices Patricia Guerrero, Joshua Groban and Martin Jenkins are on the ballot for the first time. Proposition 1 will change the California Constitution to say that the state cannot deny or interfere with a persons reproductive freedom and that people have the fundamental right to choose whether or not to have an abortion, and whether or not to use contraceptives. If we save the Earth and a company saves a little money, that sounds like a win-win! The past 6 presidential election ballots have averaged 13 California Initiatives and 17 local Propositions. At least Ricardo Lara's website outlines both what he has done and what he will do if elected to another term. The boards voted on the relevant measures on the following dates: Executive Board of Directors: August 16, 2022, San Francisco Board of Directors: August 31 and September 1, 2022, San Jos Board of Directors: August 24, 2022, Oakland Board of Directors: August 23 and 30, 2022, California Ballot Analysis Committee: SPUR Executive Board members: Lydia Tan, Kristina Raspe, Jean Fraser, Bob Gamble, Jaye Bailey, Ahmed Ali Bob, Daniel Cedeo, Dahlia Chazan, Donald Falk, David Friedman, Candice Gonzalez, Ariane Hogan, Hao Ko, Camille Llanes-Fontanilla, Manan Shah, Joshua Simon, Joaqun Torres, San Francisco Ballot Analysis Committee: Sarah Dennis Phillips, Tamsen Drew, Don Falk, Tyra Fennell, Bob Gamble, Ariane Hogan, Aaron Johnson, Roscoe Mapps, Shin-pei Tsay, San Jos Ballot Analysis Committee: Anil Babbar, Melissa Hippard, Barbara Marshman, Kelly Snider, Leah Toeniskoetter, Geri Wong, Oakland Policy Advisory Board: Ahmed Ali Bob, Deb Boyer, Gloria Bruce, Morten Jensen, Carolyn Johnson, Lewis Knight, Josh Simon, Ari Takata-Vasquez, SPUR Staff: Paloma Sisneros-Lobato, Fred Buzo, Anne Christie, Jacob Denney, Katie Ettman, Laura Feinstein, Sarah Harper, Nick Josefowitz, Sarah Karlinsky, Jonathon Kass, Grecia Marquez-Niebles, Jackson Nutt-Beers, Jessica Peyton, Erika Pinto, Sujata Srivastava, Laura Tolkoff, Augustina Ullman, Eli Zigas, Editors: Valerie Sinzdak, Karen Steen, Colleen Valles, Copy editor: Sheryl Kaskowitz, Becky Ohlsen, Paid for by the San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association. He's qualified and we have no reason to think he'll do a bad job. More importantly this constitutional amendment would act as a critical legal shield against any conflicting federal law. Longtime Congresswoman Jackie Speier retired this year after 14 years of service. The number of anti-Asian crimes has increased six-fold, but [Boudin] is refusing to prosecute violent attacks as hate crimes and has allowed perpetrators to get away with only misdemeanor charges. Mr. But it's not all roses and puppy dogs this will keep the new Sanitation and Streets commission while stripping it of any actual authority. Meeting begins at 1 PM, program starts at 2:15 PM. The measure would let the city use public money to buy, operate or subsidize public parking in the underground Music Concourse Garage in Golden Gate Park. Some of these revenues would support increased state regulatory and enforcement costs that could reach the mid-tens of millions of dollars annually. The current California State budget is around $300 billion in total, of which approximately $196 billion is in the general fund. Paid for by Coalition to Grow San Francisco - Grow SF PAC (growsf.com). San Francisco's budget is now a whopping $13 billion, but the Sunset is still left out in the cold when it comes to better Muni service and street & sidewalk cleaning. But, if San Francisco voters boot the trio, that would . Prop G money may be used to pay for grants from the City to eligible schools in SFUSD. Ashley Crowder, 40, and . I would also require private cars to be allowed on the Great Highway in both directions at all times. Hours: Monday Friday Take the first step and come to one of our events. If passed, Prop 1 would guarantee that right at the highest level for California. This commission has every seat but one set aside for people who work in the homelessness industry. The Board of Supervisors voted 7-4 to put the measure on the Nov. 8 ballot despite opposition from Mayor London Breed, whose current term would be extended by one year if the proposed City Charter amendment passes. Everyone's journey to recovery is different and San Francisco needs to help. GrowSF admires Jenkins' dedication to the Asian-American community and her efforts to treat anti-Asian hate crimes with the serious attention they deserve. The justices serve 12-year terms, but a justice whose predecessors term has not yet expired will initially seek retention only for the rest of that term. The added uncertainty and cost will be passed on to the bank, which will demand higher interest rates to account for the risk, which may make an entire new apartment building impossible to finance. It would eliminate a requirement that the San Francisco Employees Retirement System has to be fully funded based on the prior years market value of the systems assets. These grants will primarily be focused on academic achievement and the emotional wellness of students including nurses, tutors, math specialists, and school psychologists. City College is in bad financial shape, but it's not due to lack of revenue. Proposition B is a partial repeal of November 2020's Prop B, which GrowSF opposed. Prop N may save taxpayers money by allowing the city to refinance the Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority debt. In Engardio's own words: We need to change how money is spent in San Francisco. Supervisor Matt Dorsey, who was appointed by Mayor London Breed, is running against former supervisor aide Honey Mahogany and two other candidates for District 6, which includes SoMa. And she has repeatedly said that users need supportive services: Helping substance users access treatment and services through the Community Justice Center will save lives, said District Attorney Brooke Jenkins. Weber is the daughter of a semiliterate father who fled the Jim Crow south when his life was in danger, she brings incredible dedication and grit to everything she does. Again, we landed on Malia Cohen, but we hope we've given you enough information to make an informed decision for yourself. The 2022 San Francisco District Attorney recall election was a successful special recall election to remove San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin from office. Having a state constitutional guarantee is the strongest defense against a nationwide abortion ban. The Mayor Breed-backed measure seeks to shorten the approval timeline for qualifying housing projects that are 100% affordable, are for teachers or are mostly market-rate but have 15% more below-market-rate units than the city would otherwise require under affordability mandates. Prop 30 will raise between $3.5 billion and $5 billion per year (growing over time) from the wealthiest Californians. Padilla looks to defend his spot in the Senate in his first election for a full term. No on Prop. California State-wide Offices. Not only will five people fail to find a place to live, but the five who succeed will have to pay dramatically more for their home. You can vote for up to three people. GrowSF stands with Ann Hsu, Lainie Motamedi, and Lisa Weissman-Ward for San Francisco School Board. She is one of the few California Democrats who have stood up to powerful Teachers Unions, most notably in 2015 when she proposed a bill that would require teachers to be evaluated based on their students' performance. The court prioritizes the use of restorative justice and treatment services for substance use, mental health, and other primary health issues and adjudicates criminal cases from the Tenderloin, Civic Center, Union Square, and South of Market neighborhoods. San Francisco Elections in 2022. Marie Hurabiell is an attorney and entrepreneur who brings a strong background in fiscal responsibility as well as the experience of serving on the Georgetown Board of Regents. Since taking office earlier this year, Dorsey has put forward sweeping new legislation to clean up the district and to arrest the dealers of deadly drugs. San Francisco began using a new Supervisorial district map in 2022 as a result of local redistricting. And, extremely importantly and undiscussed, it provides a legal mechanism to enact rule-of-law over all housing over time. Though we do find Supervisor Mandelman's housing platform lacking, we think his strengths in other areas provide more than enough reason to cast your vote for him. Mayor Breed appointed Green to this seat and this is his first time running to maintain the position. Our analysis includes the background behind the measures, equity impacts, pros and cons, and a recommendation on how to vote. He is smart, though, and does seem serious about fixing City College's problems even if he oversaw the creation of them in the first place. Get in touch at peter@wanderlog.com if you have any suggestions or if you find any inaccuracies! It sets a precedent that housing is more important than NIMBY concerns about the character of the neighborhood. Voters use RCV to elect most local offices. Notably, the Chinese-Language news outlet Sing Tao Daily endorsed her exclusively. City Hall, Room 48 Public Defender Cerebral and deliberate, Mano Raju is the kind of nose-to-the-grindstone public official that gets things. Since assuming office, she has filed felony drug sale charges against 125 alleged dealers not users. Proposition 30 is an Initiative Statute which would fund investments in fighting and preventing wildfires and reduce climate emissions and air pollution from vehicles by subsidizing installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, hydrogen fueling infrastructure, and purchases of electric and other zero-emissions vehicles. D in what kinds of projects would qualify for the faster timeline, how affordable they would be and whether supervisors retain control over approving city funds for each project. Equity . Nice sounding words don't cut it for us, we need policy details. Tony Thurmond, a Democrat, runs for re-election to a second term as California's top education official against Lance Christensen, a conservative education policy executive. Prop. The last day to vote is Tuesday, Feb. 15. GrowSF recommends confirming the appointments of Associate Justices Tracie L. Brown and Jeremy M. Goldman to the Court of Appeal, First District, Division Four. Mayor London Breed following the recall of Chesa Boudin. We said earlier Californias election result shows a dramatic loss of voter participation. He is the only candidate with serious political experience. No on Prop. Back. ), and Prop 30 will help ensure even low-income families can switch without breaking the bank. Prop 1 aligns with existing state rights to privacy and equal protection and would ensure that regardless of who or what party controls the government or the courts in California, the right to an abortion is protected. She's done a fine job over the last few years and, notably, was a force in reopening the Powell St BART bathrooms, which had been closed for nearly twenty years due to terrorism concerns after 9/11 (yes, really, twenty years!). No endorsement: Incumbent Fiona Ma is qualified, but we cant currently endorse her given the gravity of the harassment accusations against her. Election reform: I would like to increase campaign contribution transparency and strengthen our democracy with mail in ballots and access to vote for every citizen. This means that for every one renter there are two good choices, and they don't need to outbid anyone in order to find a place to live. Murrell Green: Green would bring pragmatism, experience and care to the board. Note: Even though this is a continuation of an existing tax, it technically counts as a new tax under the law, which is why the Prop 13 requirement to vote on it and obtain a supermajority applies. Overall, Prop 28 will help California students have a well-rounded education, foster important skills, and provide better instruction and materials to students across the state. Appointed Green to this seat and this is his first time were fixed approximately $ 196 billion in. We were not able to definitively make a recommendation voters boot the,. 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