The fact that the tail would be hard to be cut and even after being cut could and most likely would heal back makes us think this might be extremely dangerous. part saiyan, part kryptonian hybrids, most of the saiyans had tried to take over krypton but while most fled from the kryptonian technology. Ongoing. [8] Saiyans who are deemed lower level warriors from birth are usually not able to become combatants, however a lower level warrior who is made an infiltration baby and who returns successful from their mission will be allowed to be a full-fledged combatant. How powerful is this hybrid and how powerful could it become with training? Some examples are Nappa, Vegeta, and Paragus who have all been seen with mustaches, while King Vegeta himself had a beard. At some point, Planet Vegeta was visited by the God of Destruction Beerus, who ultimately deemed the Saiyans as a savage race with no chance of improving (or more accurately he felt that they were just annoying). We scour space for planets that will bring a high price on the galactic market. He explains that around Age 720, a civil war broke out. Due to their superior Ki control, they're able to fly much faster than normal humans, proven by Goten, when he completely outclassed Videl in their first day of flying training. He explains that it was confusing for him how Saiyans dressed themselves with the tail on, and these sorts of minutiae annoyed him to no end, enticing him to get rid of Saiyans' tails. However, during the epic "battle of the Super Saiyan Gods" between Super Saiyan God Giblet and Super Saiyan God Shallot, Shallot is able to overpower his brother, which helps free Giblet from the influence of the false persona that was controlling him. They also based some of their powers on Earth's lower gravity, but mainly their power comes from the photonucleic effect. [3], Saiyans do not celebrate any holidays. 2:00. The resulting offspring generally possess the same enhanced strengths of the Saiyans, developing their abilities far more easily than Earthlings, but lack the same drive and instinct for combat. Over two decades later, the Saiyans were finally avenged when Goku defeated Frieza on planet Namek. Saiyans attacks are always in English regardless of Language used. Heroes fight for the weak but many harm them and don't care. Eventually, seeing how quickly some of the more gifted Saiyan warriors were gaining power through battle, around Age 735, Frieza grew concerned with the potential of the Saiyan race and thought that they would grow strong enough to face him or even become the fabled Super Saiyans, able to defeat him in battle. part saiyan, part kryptonian hybrids, most of the saiyans had tried to take over krypton but while most fled from the kryptonian technology. [8] Notably, when Bardock is asked by his comrade Tora if he remembers what day his newborn son was born, he replies "No, but that was a long time ago." Though he was largely dismissive of Future Trunks, he slowly came to care for his son's counterpart, to the point he vengefully attacked Cell when he killed Future Trunks. Goten and Trunks' fusion as Gotenks shows much, much more ease in obtaining even the final form, entering the Hyperbolic Time Chamber whilst being unable to make the first transformation. In theory, Kryptonian hybrids are weaker and absorb less solar energy, going with the math, half of a normal Kryptonians strenght = roughly 400 000 tons. "Saiyan" is the English transliteration of the roman letter term Saiya-jin. Saiyans like Goku and Vegeta are frequently seen training and improving their fighting skills to keep up with each other's skills and the appearance of new, more powerful foes. Maybe it is, maybe it's a latent Kryptonian power. Saiyan human hybrids don't seem to have any non saiyan ability has a result of the mix. He states they were led by Vegeta's father, and upon the rising of the full moon, the Saiyans assumed their Great Ape transformations, completely wiping out the Tuffle race in a single night.[17]. Facial hair of pure-blooded Saiyan males can grow. Through the Dark Ki he is able to create a dark persona within Giblet which tells Giblet that it is his true self before taking control over Giblet. Then, around Age 730, the Saiyans were able to transform into Great Apes thanks to the full moon that only appeared once every 100 years on the planet; with this, they finally annihilated the Tuffles and renamed the planet Planet Vegeta after their commanding hero, King Vegeta. Superhuman durability, agility and endurance: it's hard to measure these, but assuming once again what we did before, although the durability might not be near invincible, it will be damn high. The question of a child resulting from the union of a Kryptonian and human was addressed in. [44][45] By the age of 18, Goku had undergone his largest spurt phase; he became significantly taller and more muscular, going from half the size of Yamcha to nearly matching him three years later. By: Harpy81. However, some Saiyans who have advanced enough (i.e., Prince Vegeta) are able to contain this heightened ferocity, allowing them to retain their individuality and rationality to perform in battle as normal. They merely laughed and stated that he was only a "weakling", although Nappa did suggest bringing Raditz back to life with the Dragon Balls. He states that the Saiyans first arrived in mysterious space-pods and attacked the Tuffles in cold blood. Additionally, during his first encounter with New Cell, he notes that he has the scents of Frieza, Goku, Vegeta, and Nappa whose genes had been used in the Bio-Android's creation. This may explain how he was still able to achieve Super Saiyan God, as deep down he was truly a righteous Saiyan with his evil actions being the result of brainwashing and the Mastermind's influence. Or pray, since this guy is gonna catch you either way if he wants. Saiyans value honor for their race above anything else and seemed to have been not only opposed to mating with other races but producing half-breed offspring. Could it match Clark Kent in power? A Saiyan with the power of Super Saiyan God who transforms into a Super Saiyan becomes a Super Saiyan Blue. Saiyans have a natural affinity to control Ki energy, allowing them to generate very powerful energy blasts even at young ages. The main thing going on for him is having all the powers with less weaknesses. The naturally high gravity of Planet Vegeta (10x that of Earth) develops their physical strength, making them incredibly strong at young ages. Even more, Saiyans are shown able to recover from injuries much faster than humans. Everyone couldn't wait for new episodes, /sug/ generals used to be a thing, there we memes being posted left and. As of that, Kryptonian technology is very advanced, possibly one of the most advanced in the DC universe, and the entire society was drawn unto scientific investigation and enhancement, Now, what we all want to see: Powers, abilities, weaknesses and others. However, during the Tournament of Time, Giblet forms an alliance with the Mastermind. This desire to draw out a worthy opponent has also been the cause of many conflicts, as refusing to co-operate or end a fight quickly often results in a Saiyan being defeated less by an opponent and more their own natures. One of the most powerful abilities a Saiyan has in their arsenal is the ability to manipulate the ki in their bodies to craft unique and powerful energy attacks. (Not sure if Superman has an explanation as to what makes him fly other than "he can") Also, how would the hybrid even exist? Since transforming into a Super Saiyan during his battle with Frieza . [14] The good Saiyans and evil Saiyans were in conflict for a long time, with the good Saiyans only ever managing to get one victory to their name, eventually the evil Saiyans wiped out the good Saiyans, and thus all modern day Saiyans are descended from them. Saiyans possess enormous amounts of superhuman durability, and are a remarkably resilient species, who refuse to be physically broken. Saiyans who have achieved the Super Saiyan God form and above, such as Goku and Vegeta, can even keep up with a God of Destruction's immense speed, and the likes of Dyspo, a being whose speed surpasses sound and light. Final Result = 99.99% chances - The first argument is pretty powerful if we consider humans in DBZ and DC to be the same or very close. It was extremely light yet durable, able to protect from most attacks. Their agility is also substantial in their battles and training, they can easily perform immensely high jumps or acrobatics far more advanced than those of normal human beings, with no drawback or strain on their bodies. Kryptonians don't seen to have genetically predispositioned personality traits, except for a certain sense of rationality and above average intelligence or curiosity. Aside from time travelers, none still exist in the modern time. Universe 6 Saiyans, similar to their counterparts, were employed by the emperor of the universe, Frost, in order to fight in wars on his behalf. Ironically, the eponymous villain protagonist of the horror film BrightBurn, Brandon Breyer, while taking some cues from Superman overall, ended up having his backstory of being sent by an extraterrestrial race to depopulate Earth resemble that of Goku, though the main difference is that BrightBurn wholly embraced his mission ultimately, while Goku thanks to amnesia and later development rejected this path. Any Saiyan can become a Super Saiyan, however they require a large amount of S-Cells in order to take on the form, Saiyans who have a gentle spirit gain more S-Cells (though they cannot gain enough to go Super Saiyan through a gentle nature alone) and when a Saiyan increases their battle power they steadily gain more S-Cells. When abbreviating Super Saiyan, people often abbreviate it to SSJ (Super Saiya-Jin) this is actually only correct in Japanese as jin is added as a suffix in Japanese meaning "Person" and is also used when referring to a person or people something that is not practiced in the English language. At the same time, it is extremely flexible, able to stretch out so far without losing any of its integrity, enabling to remained clothed while turning into a Great Ape, moving about unhindered, and likewise return to normal size once the Saiyan shrinks back to their base form. The Saiyans lived in the arid wastelands, while the Tuffles lived in great cities, employing advanced technology. After trapping the Justice League on separate worlds to fuel his power of darkness, Pariah raised a dark . The only possible exception to the rule of Saiyans being unable to survive the vacuum of space might be Legendary Saiyans, due to the original Broly flying through an asteroid field without any apparent problems as a child and teen. This hybrid is something like nothing before. and our ; Cloning - The only known Kryptonian Hybrid to be made under this is Conner Kent, cloned from the DNA of Clark Kent and Lex . Would the DNA even be compatible??? Either way, with training that weakness can be easily overcome and turned into a powerful 5th limb capable of shattering destruction. In the Japanese version of the Saiyan saga, Nappa suggested to Vegeta that they mate with the female Earthlings to produce a new powerful Saiyan race, but Vegeta refused because he feared a half-breed's power would become too dangerous. By combining Great Ape and Super Saiyan, a Saiyan becomes a Golden Great Ape. Daniel Steele/Xon-El is a Kryptonian/human hybrid first born of Jor-El. I remember back when it was hottest thing since that Horse Show we can't talk about. Even while unconscious and in their base form, a Saiyan is capable of surviving re-atmospheric reentries with no negative effect to their bodies. And what would be the pros and cons, If superboy had DNA from superman and goku how powerful would he be??? Whatever fanfic you find more believable and less cringe I suppose. Apart from this, both species could through training achieve other abilities: Teleportation - We know Goku had this in the series but it was a technic taught to him. These movements can be improved by training, transformations, and other methods. For more information, please see our Having become a natural-born race of warriors, Saiyans are shown to be very resilient and adaptive. Raditz may be the one true exception, as his hair is the length of his body, both as an adult and as a child. However, according to Akira Toriyama, their natural lifespan itself is longer than humans', but as a warrior race many of them die in battle, and by extension their general lifespan. Saiyans possess S-Cells within their bodies, S-Cells are what allow a Saiyan to become a Super Saiyan, however most Saiyans do not have many S-Cells within their bodies. I don't see why it wouldn't be compatible, I mean they are both humanoid and capable of crossing with Earthlings which means they have to be somewhat similar. While as strong and coordinated as any other limb on the Saiyan, the tail is a particularly sensitive area. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Additionally, in Super Dragon Ball Heroes, his counterpart achieves godly versions of Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3, as well as full power of their altered Super Saiyan 3 during which their Tail regrows. With KI comes: Energy projection, absorbtion, lending, healing, kinetic outburst and psychokinesis. Infiltration babies have a low survival rate. It is revealed in Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans that when the Saiyans arrived on Planet Plant, they were welcomed by the Tuffles. The passenger appears to be in stasis during travel, but upon reaching a destination air is pumped into the pod, reviving the occupant. Pan, Gohan's daughter and a quarter Saiyan herself, was able to fly as a baby with no formal instruction. This is implied with Gohan around the time Cell Max was activated, where he fumbled a senzu bean tossed by Piccolo and accidentally knocked it into a ravine largely because he could barely see it coming without his glasses. So Super Goku keeps a piece of kryptonite in a lead lined box for fights when he encounters a being too powerful for him. As noted by Raditz, the tail is the source of a Saiyan's true strength (Great Ape form), enabling them to perform to their maximum efficiency. They are commonly seen to have black hair, black eyes (although the anime has occasionally shown brown, blue and blonde hair and purple eyes), and yellow skin. This trait causes many Saiyans to seek out stronger opponents, either to test their might or for the desire to be the best. Potentially making him more powerful than Superman if they have a decent solar charge. He is also less trusting of evil people like Turles and Frieza and it requires an extremely skilled manipulator like Zahha who managed to convince Shallot he was a friend and ally, though this was only successful due to Zahha being behind Shallot's amnesia. Under the yellow sun, the power source of Kryptonians, that energy could be used to power up the natural KI of the hybrid, making him able to accumulate the increasing KI without damaging himself and without limits, since Kryptonians are self sustained under the sun. 2. Goku's head trauma and sheltered childhood left him unenlightened about anything not concerning martial arts, though he gradually outgrows this as his teachers all stressed the values of brains over brawn. On top of that, there are a few gadgets and weapons that might be useful for the hybrid, but as we will see, he/she will only need to use weapons if he/she feels bored and wants a challenge Let's see genetics or actually; powers and weaknesses. To be fair Goku and Vegeta were only really able to do that with specific guidance and training from their universe's Angel and Hakaishin. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A few things we can be sure. If the Saiyan parent was capable of Super Sayian 1 levels, the kid will quickly reach those levels. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Augustus Freeman/Icon ( Milestone/DC Comics) Mar'i Grayson/Nighstar ( DC comics ), daughter of starfire and Richard Grayson. For example, during Goku's battle with Kid Buu, the planet they were fighting on was warping and contracting with each blow and would have destroyed it if not for the Sacred World of the Kai indestructible nature. Fully grown saiyan-kryptonian hybrid will have an increased want to fight, ability to Zenkai and mimic, and increased Saiyan potential for being a hybrid. Hybrid Saiyans, particularly Earthling-based hybrids, also might inherit more degenerative aspects from their non-Saiyan heritage which would impact their overall potential. Goku's mother Gine is also noted to lack the characteristic aggression of the Saiyans which apparently made her unfit for life in the army as she often had to be saved by Bardock on missions. We will assume this is true and use it. For example, Gohan actually became less powerful during the seven years between his battle with Cell and the emergence of Buu, allowing Goku and Vegeta to catch up to and then surpass him, due to him having not trained enough. The military force met its final destruction when Frieza committed his Genocide of the Saiyans, with the force's only survivors being Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, Onio, and two other male Saiyans. However, Frieza began to notice how powerful the Saiyans were becoming and began to fear that one day one of them would overwhelm him as the most powerful being in the universe. When a Saiyan becomes a Super Saiyan, their durability, as well as their strength, increases massively, becoming tough enough to easily survive powerful energy beams, even to their faces, with no visible harm or scratch, and take most blunt forces against large amount of rock or solid matter, with no discomfort. Through his pure Saiyan Hero Avatar, Beat is able to achieve Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan God, and Super Saiyan Blue. Even Goku retained his love to fight after his amnesia, but satisfied that love through competitive sport, rather than barbaric slaughter. .. Y/n is an aspiring actress, who has recently finished filming a movie with Tom Holland. The only chance Broly has is if he can exploit Superman's . However, while he still believes fighting to death is an honorable act of a Saiyan, Vegeta is able to use his rivalry with Goku as a motivation to test his limits and allow them to develop a unique friendship. Among other influences, the concept of the Saiyans were inspired by the Kryptonians, the humanoid extraterrestrial species in the American DC Comics Universe to which Superman/Kal-El belongs to. However, his percentage of Saiyan blood is unknown and it is unknown whether he is descended from Goten or Gohan's family lines, though as his mother strongly resembles Chi-Chi, he is apparently maternally descended from both Chi-Chi and Goku. [8] Of the few (pure-blooded) Saiyan families seen, only Vegeta and his father have had close relationships, as well Broly and Paragus to some extent. Most Powerful Setting the War of Wrath Dragons could Conquer. Because of their destructive tendencies legendary Saiyans are feared in both Universe 6 and 7, though in Universe 7 they are often associated with the legends pertaining to the Super Saiyan of Legend as the general Saiyan population in Universe 7 tends to be more barbaric and violent than their more evolved Universe 6 counterparts. After this, he ended up settling on Earth initially to wait for his rematch with Goku. The reason behind this is never explained in the series other than it was hypothesized their tails were removed at birth, but Akira Toriyama has stated that tails are a recessive trait. Saiyan psychology is like human, very dependent on education but a few traits are genetic such as: -huge love for fighting or if educate in that way, violence, -explosive temper and likelihood to be taken over by emotion, -some lack of empathy (easily fueled by education), -some arrogant traits, specially when it comes to competition, -due to these traits, some saiyans can do irrational or rash decisions by nature, -despite this, they are not dumb, being actually extremely competent tactic wise in comparison to other species. It's possible for Saiyans to restore their lost memories through the means of a trigger. In this state, a Saiyan will generally lose most if not all control of themselves, with aggressiveness reaching its peak, causing them to lose all rationality to primal instinct. However, a Saiyan's superhuman learning curve is seen time and time again throughout the series, such as Gohan being able to keep up with immense amounts of coursework in his private studies as a child despite his young age. Additionally, Shallot was able to learn Ki Sense on his first try after just a little instruction from Gohan (Kid). Warning: SPOILERS for Dark Crisis #6 When it comes to half human aliens, the new Superman and Dragon Ball's Gohan are proving they share one of the most unexpected secret advantages an extraterrestrial could hope for.. I kinda did it as well my oc's kids is a saiyan/time Lord/ kryptonian my oc name is mosdra is a saiyan time Lord married to Kara zor-el. Though Shallot is initially reluctant to eat Earth cuisine even after Jaco points out its pretty high quality on the galactic scale, due to the color, he notes it smells good. However, they are still a warrior race regardless. While living on Krypton, or any planet under a red star, Kryptonians seem relatively just as physically powerful as normal humans, but have highly advanced technology which allows them to control their world. [42][43] Saiyans appear identical to that of a Earthling baby in their early years, although they are born with a full head of hair more often than Earthlings, but also appear to grow at somewhat slower rates. If you don't know what a Tribrid really is. In Universe 6, the Saiyans try to protect the universe and get rid of evil doers. Eve Teschmacher. [9][38] Chi-Chi complained of this in Dragon Ball GT when Goku was reduced to a child, pointing out that she was getting older faster than him (although this also attributes to the fact Goku spent a collective total of 8 years dead by then during which he did not age). [48] Also, he, Trunks, and Goten were able to make the transformation to Super Saiyan at age 8 and 7 respectively, far younger ages than their fathers and Gohan, with Trunks and Goten showing such ease at obtaining the first form that they treated it almost like a "child's play thing" (as stated by Vegeta in the Funimation dub). JavaScript is disabled. You must log in or register to reply here. Divine super saiyan 3: amplifies her abilties even further by about 400x Due to their insane levels of physical power, they are easily able to destroy mountains, islands, and potentially entire planets just with pure physical strength, especially in the Super Saiyan states. Growth in muscle mass can clearly be seen, with even some height gained. Despite most deceased warriors who keep possession of their bodies are healed from any injuries or dismemberments (i.e., Tien Shinhan's severed arm), no Saiyan with a lost tail are shown to have regrown it upon being resurrected. This has shown to be possible by mixing the standard Super Saiyan form with either Great Ape or Super Saiyan God. In Universe 6, their history diverged from that of Universe 7, the Saiyans remain to be a thriving race with their original planet intact. As the Saiyans of Universe 6 lost their tails through the process of evolution, no longer requiring it to naturally access their full combat effeciency, they are presumably incapable of transforming into Great Apes (it is unknown if they would be capable of transforming via the use of a Blutz Wave Generator like the Saiyans of Universe 7). (Also, this guy is pratically a god, he can just blow up the moon for shizzles). Saiyan children learn how to fly on their own too, they just need to be around other people who can fly. "The Saiyans are a naturally aggressive, warrior, fighting race who, since ancient times, have lived a violent and inhumane lifestyle, where they attack numerous planets to build up wealth and goods". King Kai explained the story of the Saiyan race to Goku during the Vegeta Saga. A Saiyan who has a very large battle power can turn Super Saiyan without needing a trigger, due to their tremendous amount of S-Cells (an example being Caulifla). The Saiyans possessed a powerful military, the Saiyan Army (named only in the Funimation dub). However, it should be noted that Nappa suggested the idea they could repopulate the Saiyan race through reproducing with Earthlings to create hybrids, even suggesting that hybrid offspring had potential to become Super Saiyans, which was later proven correct by Gohan and his counterpart Future Gohan (as both Trunks & Future Trunks achieved it after their respective timelines' incarnation of Gohan). Obviously the answers will be different based on the person answering them, but I look forward to seeing the different ideas you have here. However, as fully developed adults, Saiyans possess immense levels of resistance to nearly all harm, and essentially, no Earthling-made weapon could possibly hurt them, and even most alien weapons cannot either. Given that their ability to reproduce fertile and stable offspring with humans with few noticeable physical differences between hybrids and full-blooded humans, then Saiyans must possess 23 chromosomes in their DNA. As for how powerful. So, I had the idea to do this for a while now and after seeing the thread about the Saiyan/Kryptonian hybrid, I decided to actually do a blog about it (FINALLY). A piece of kryptonite in a lead lined box for fights when he encounters a being too powerful him. Rationality and above average intelligence or curiosity way if he wants to wait for rematch. Training that weakness can be easily overcome and turned into a powerful 5th limb of... Control Ki energy, allowing them to generate very powerful energy blasts even at young ages unconscious in... Saiyan during his battle with Frieza them to generate very powerful energy blasts at! Certain sense of rationality saiyan kryptonian hybrid above average intelligence or curiosity to seek out stronger opponents, either to their..., during the Vegeta Saga more information, please see our having become a natural-born of. Base form, a Saiyan with the power of Super Saiyan becomes Golden... 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