Every video is captioned individually and then reviewed for quality assurance. In the early 1980s, the head of the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, known as the Karmapa, began to travel the world, spreading his teachings and giving interviews. He left behind a testimonial in which he said that he wanted to be buried in the same position that he was when he died, meditating in a lotus position. References: You can find every episode of The BIGGER Picture with Gregg Prescott onBitchutewhile all of his In5D Radio shows are on theIn5D Youtube channel. Explore over 8,000 ad-free, streaming titles that challenge modern paradigms and allow you to manifest the reality that defines your being. 8), which means his body, including his skeleton, shrank nearly 80%. It is interesting to see that the rainbow is almost universally connected with realized beings. This website is not affiliated with YouTube. Tulku Pema Rigtsal, a Nepalese MonkrecountsAchs transfiguration: Recently, on August 29, 1998, at Dome Khamngak in Azi Rong in Tibet, Khenpo Ach, eighty years of age, attained physical dissolution. One of the first documented cases involved a saint that went by the name of Padmasambhava, and achieved light body status along with many of his disciples. Near where he stood, an enormous polished slab of stone laid ominously. Many portraits of Padmasambhava achieving a rainbow body feature the outline of his being completely encompassed by a rainbow. Yet, there can be no doubt, something unusual is going on in the Himalayan Mountains. We offer original, dubbed or subtitled content in these languages. Meet the bent stones of Khafres Valley Temple, The Pyramids Of Giza As Seen From Space Photographed By the ESA. Copyright 2017 CCTubes LLC. Over 700 years ago, famed explorer Marco Poloreached the furthest limits of his legendary journey from West to East, arriving in Tibet, more than 4000 miles from his home. As the local press reported: Recently, on August 29, 1998, at Dome Khamngak in Azi Rong in Tibet, Khenpo Ach, eighty years of age, attained physical dissolution. His body was well preserved, with no indications of decay whatsoever, inner tissue and whole muscles intacted, and with skin and soft joints all in place. 8,000+ Ad-Free Films, Original Shows & Yoga Classes on Gaia - https://bit.ly/32xmhMLThe rainbow body phenomenon has been noted for centuries, including in th. Perhaps these incoming intergalactic energies will be the platform for lightbody transformation? It was just like a bird flying from a rockpeople nearby have no idea where it might have gone. As the local press reported: , the realization of the Buddhist teaching of Dzogchen., Curiously, this is a concept that appears across, of the worlds spiritual traditions. Facebook Mike Fan Page: http://on.fb.me/1En9Lue is the founder and editor ofIn5DandZentasia. One day at noon, lying in bed, without having suffered any recent illness, while in the posture of a sleeping lion and reciting the six-syllable mantra, he attained Buddha in the primordial basic matrix of alpha-purity, his heart of clear light reality perfected beyond the intellect. It is believed that every five years on average, an advanced Buddhist monk enters into this enlightened state. This is the sense of non-duality, or oneness, that Buddhist practice preaches. ! Even in modern times,videoshave surfaced, which appeared to show exactly that. LIKE WHAT YOU'RE READING?subscribe to our top stories. All sound is heard as mantra, awareness of thoughts is the primordial dharmakaya, and appearances are the mandala of deities. Wilcock does a great job of covering the broad basics of the rainbow body and some of the Tibetan Buddhist practices that are used to achieve such an incredible state of being and is able to provide listeners with a good holistic commentary. There are even recent testimonies about Tibetan monks who reached this state after a deep process of purification. All you have to do is get Shaktipat from a Master Teacher. https://ancient-code.com/scientific-evidence-proves-buddhists-monks-can-transform-their-physical-bodies-into-pure-light/ For untrained people, such frigid wrappings would produce uncontrolled shivering. Over the centuries, many have recorded instances of Buddhist masters who could levitate. They also believe that the entire cosmos is made of these elemental energies including the human body, which makes it an individual person and a universal expression.The main known meditation technique to activate the rainbow body is meant to alter the gravitational vibrations of these five elemental energies and transform them into radiant lights of the color spectrum. In fact, many could also describe this as God-consciousness or the ability to achieve oneness with the Universe. Pinterest. Or science? In the distance, Jarl could see that a rock wall was being constructed. Please deeply rejoice in his devoted practice and realization of Dzogchen. Through Dzogchen, the most advanced form of the rainbow body generally entails that the practitioner is able to transform their body into light and is able to remain functional and visible through that light. the use of meditative practices to deal with a variety of mental health issues, as opposed to prescription drugs. This is not a normal process one experiences at the moment of death. Henry, a respected professor of Physics and Astronomy at John Hopkins University, takes it further,asserting: A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. Theres a unique form of the rainbow body known as, The great transcend into the rainbow body. Some people are believed to have special auras and are known as Indigo Children, Crystal Children, or Rainbow Children. In one of his lectures, Wilcock brings up a picture of Padmasambhavas handprint and points out that he has six fingers instead of five, which Wilcock points to as being evidence that the guru may have been an alien. Posted by Krishna Kalki on March 10, 2018 at 1:00am in Ascension and Awakening. Get tickets to the best show on earth!!! Others will listen now that you can no longer prevent me from telling them the truth. (2) Guru Rinpoche A Short Introduction to His Life & Activities; http://www.dharmadownload.net/pages/english/Natsok/0010_Teaching_English/Teaching_English_0064.htm If his body continues to shrink and totally disappears, then this miracle will be categorized asLight Body or Atomless Body. Visitors are able to travel to one of these memorials and see his handprint or footprint still left in the stone. Only a few years ago, prominent Tibetan Buddhist, Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche, recorded the death of his teacher, Monks Manipulating their Bodys Temperature, In the early 1980s, a professor from the prestigious Harvard School of Medicine named Herbert Benson, of researchers deep into the Himalayan mountains of Tibet, with the intent of studying the monks at remote Buddhist monasteries, specifically, their alleged ability to manipulate their bodies through a practice called g Tummo the inner fire meditation., The results of this study were stunning. Khenpo Achs was eventually wrapped in a yellow robe which all Gelug Monks wear. A nurse screamed. They claimed we were dangerous so they destroyed anyone who exhibited the signs of the transfiguration. Perhaps this should be applied in reverse. Tiso interviewed Lama Norta, a nephew of Khenpo Achos; Lama Sonam Gyamtso, a young disciple; and Lama A-chos, a dharma friend of the late Khenpo A-chos. http://bit.ly/2lc36omSubscribe for more videos! In the early 1980s, a professor from the prestigious Harvard School of Medicine named Herbert Bensonled a teamof researchers deep into the Himalayan mountains of Tibet, with the intent of studying the monks at remote Buddhist monasteries, specifically, their alleged ability to manipulate their bodies through a practice called g Tummo the inner fire meditation.. He is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States throughIn5dEvents. Additionally, they could lower their metabolism during meditation by 64%. We are only beginning to scratch the surface of what Buddhist teachings may teach us. My answer may be more than you originally, ANCIENT AWAKENINGSSunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnellTHE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSIONSananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna Joannas Higher SelfThese messages, ANCIENT AWAKENINGSSunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnellYOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITYAshtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna Joannas Higher SelfThese messages were given during, Watch Video Patent Number 8,923,684. and sat meditating, without moving, without making so much as a sound, as he burned to death. At the highest levels of this teaching, telepathy and clairvoyance are achieved, along with complete enlightenment. Many of these footprints are still visible in these same Himalayan rocks, today! I will describe these various miraculous results of Dzogchen practice later in this message.. Other monks soaked 3-by-6-foot sheets in cold water (49 degrees) and placed them over the meditators shoulders. Posted by Pranic Consciousness Process on Thursday, February 22, 2018. } Lama Karmas body was about 175cm (approx. Lama Norta and a few other individuals claimed that after his death Khenpo A-chos appeared to them in visions and dreams. Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mikexchen, Send stuff to our PO Box! The Brain of Buddhist Monks during Meditation, In 2008, a neuroscientist named Richard Davidson conducted research which. Rainbow Children are anticipated as already realized beings with a rainbow aura, who are natural givers and will be ready to provide us with all that we need when the time comes. (4). As his body dissolved into light, his wrinkles vanishing, he seemed like an eight-year-old child with a beautiful complexion. As. Description: The rainbow body is supposedly the ultimate state of enlightenment, and people who let go of their earthly attachments are said to have been able to achieve this. I am the first of my kind to approach this metamorphosis. In the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, the matter is made of five elements: water, air, fire, earth, space. Incredible accounts such as these beg a crucial question: Are monks some kind of superhumans? The rainbow body is supposedly the ultimate state of enlightenment, and people who let go of their earthly attachments are said to have been able to achieve this. In order to attain a "Rainbow Body", a person has to be able to liberate their body into light by having only loving thoughts, among other things of course. Answer life's deeper questions and go beyond the mainstream narrative with Gaia a member-supported media network of truth seekers and believers empowering an evolution of consciousness. For those Tibetian Monks who managed to achieve a rainbow body, the journey of the afterlife is all about releasing these five elements above from the body to the whole cosmos. UPDATED! If you believe that someone'swork has been copied and posted on Ashtar Command in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, pleaseContact Us and include the links to these pages and relevant info. the ultimate truth of all ages is within, Start your Mindfullnes jouerny and Grow your life path, Rising the Global Frequency: Online Group Meditation Session, everyone is Welcomed to join and help us rise the global frequency. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzogchen The master disappears into a body of light becoming the wisdom body (Yeshe), the term is called 'Ja'-lus or Rainbow body in Tibetan. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe now to receive more just like it. Many believe that these are the days of physical and spiritual transformation. Remembering this truth and feeling it in ones soul ushers in the peace and happiness all are searching for. Telegram For example, a red aura might indicate an enthusiastic and energetic being, while a yellow aura means that one is more logical and intelligence-driven. His body gradually diminished in size, and at the end, he attained Buddha; not even his nails and hair were left behind. Please like and follow In5D onGab,In5D Telegram,In5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Rumble, Twitter, and In5D on Facebook!/, See EXCLUSIVE In5D videos and ad free articles on Patreon for a minimal donation! Copyright Policy:Always Include30-50% of the source material and a link to the original article. As the days passed, they maintained they could see, through the robe, that his bones and his body were shrinking. This ultimate form allows the rainbow body to cover the entire physical body, except for the hair and fingernails. , given by Dr. Levy, was something unbelievable. Tangibly, Benson and his team found that the monks could raise the temperature of their fingers and toes by up to 17 degrees using g Tummo. Instagram Water:This life-making element expresses fluidity, cohesion, purity. According to the eyewitnesses, after his breath stopped his flesh became kind of pinkish. There are over 180,000 documented cases of people transforming into a \"light body\" after death. "RL-same marxists who are spewing 15 min city's have ruined S Africa; Last week China reacted to a massive directed energy weapons (DEW) duel by proposing peace talks to end the undeclared but ongoing, hybrid World War III. ); This means that there is a lot more knowledge about the rainbow body and the practices of those whove attained it than we will ever likely know about. Of course, Marco Polo was not alone in this type of observation. Powered by. In the early 1980s, the head of the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, known as the Karmapa, began to travel the world, spreading his teachings and giving interviews. He had the power to transform matter into different forms, like changing a rock into a sugar cube. Patent Number 8,923,684. This could directly relate to the rainbow body given the fact that all people who were able to accomplish a rainbow body were fully actualized. Could these powers really be possible? But this is not something only from the past; rather, it continues to this day. I think Buddhist philosophy and quantum mechanics can shake hands on their view of the world,, while Max Planck, the physicist, and originator of quantum mechanics, sounded positively Buddhist whenproclaimingthat he regarded consciousness as fundamental and matter as derivative from consciousness.. In Sufism or Taawwuf which is often defined as Islamic mysticism, the inward dimension of Islam, or the phenomenon of mysticism within Islamit is called the most sacred body and the supra celestial body., Taoists refer to it as the diamond body, and those who have attained it are named the immortals and the cloud walkers., Yogic schools and Tantric teachings call it the divine body, while in Kriya yoga it is referred to as the body of bliss.. Is it possible that Tibetan Buddhist monks possess knowledge which is confirmed by, perhaps even that goes beyond, the fields of neuroscience and quantum mechanics? Henry, a respected professor of Physics and Astronomy at John Hopkins University, takes it further, This might call to mind the work of pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans, who, In 1939, a Swedish doctor known only as Dr. Jarl. Khenpo A-chos died lying on his right side. http://instagr.am/beyondsciencetv Levitation, incidentally, is one offourpsychic powers mentioned within Buddhist scriptures, alongside telepathy, psychokinesis, and the ability to divide the astral body from the physical body. The Mysterious Rainbow Body { Gregg Prescott, M.S. After seven days had passed, no body remained. Beyond Imagination! if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'in5d_com-banner-1','ezslot_0',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-in5d_com-banner-1-0');Also see:EXCITING CONFIRMATION Of Entering The PHOTON BELT! Eventually, David Steindl-Rast contacted Father Francis Tiso who was known for frequently traveling to Tibet, and asked him to look into this incredible phenomenon. Get tickets to the best show on earth!!! Tibetians have their own way of identifying whether a person achieved the rainbow body. Sleight of hand? } https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibetan_Buddhism This process is extremely powerful and it is said that weeks before being able to achieve this transformation, some Buddhist monks can engrave their hand or foot onto a wall. forms: { A few years later, in 2011, a New York University professor named Zoran Josipovic took the scientific study of monksfurther, using an MRI machine to track the blood flow to the monks brains while they meditated. This ability to churn both the internal and external networks in the brain concurrently may lead the monks to experience a harmonious feeling of oneness with their environment.. After death If our minds are clear and calm enough, we may glimpse or meet directly, the primary fire element with a red color, a triangle, or a red Buddha. The Mysterious Rainbow Body by Beyond Science and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. But it was not long before steam began rising from the sheets. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s); And, if so, what might this mean? Thank you for your support!! reached the furthest limits of his legendary journey from West to East, arriving in Tibet, more than 4000 miles from his home. However, he falls short in capturing some of the finer details such as the fact that many Tibetan Buddhist practices have been passed down for thousands of years only between the guru and the student, known as the parampara or lineage. Playing via Spotify Playing via YouTube In the Mithraic liturgy, it was dubbed as the perfect body. In the Hermetic Corpus, it is referred to as the immortal body, while in the alchemical tradition, the Emerald Tablet calls it the golden body.. Snapchat: Mikeychenx The rainbow body is supposedly the ultimate state of enlightenment, and people who let go of their earthly attachments are said to have been able to achieve this. In Sufism or Taawwuf which is often defined as Islamic mysticism, the inward dimension of Islam, or the phenomenon of mysticism within Islamit is called the most sacred body and the supra celestial body., Taoists refer to it as the diamond body, and those who have attained it are named the immortals and the cloud walkers., Yogic schools and Tantric teachings call it the divine body, while in Kriya yoga it is referred to as the body of bliss.. It is believed that Tibetian Buddhists have achieved this state and have transformed their bodies into light. In 1981, he would die at the hospital in Illinois, under the care of an American physician named David Levy. Further, the teamdocumentedmonks spending freezing nights, when temperatures would drop to zero degrees Fahrenheit, on rocky ledges high in the Himalayans, wearing nothing but cotton shawls. In 1981, he would die at the hospital in Illinois, under the care of an American physician named David Levy. In order to attain a Rainbow Body, a person has to be able to liberate their body into light by having only loving thoughts, among other things of course. Ethical Sustainable Fashion Magazine, Veganism and Conscious Living. Its located at the heart center and thanks to it the connectedness of our universal solvent is achieved. But this is not something only from the past; rather, it continues to this day. What's your thoughts on this? Twentieth-centry practioners of Dzogchen who have attained the Body of Light include teachers and family members of Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche for example, his uncle Urgyen Danzin (Togden), his two teachers Changchub Dorje and Ayu Khandro, and Changchub Dorjes master, Nyala Pema Dendul. When they come out, and are ready to graduate to this next level of there own evolution, they will often push their hand or foot directly into the stone. As days passed the body of Khenpo Ach started shirking. Scientific Evidence Proves Buddhists Monks Can Transform Their Physical Bodies Into Pure Newgrange: An 5,000-year-old Cosmic Monument That Predates the Pyramids by 500 years, The Megalithic Stone Heads Of Mount Nemrut And The Gate Of Heaven, Opening Up a Can of Wormholes into Unexplained Phenomena, Shemsu Hor, the Celestial architects of the Great Sphinx, an 800,000 year old monument, These Are Some Of The Most Prominent Pyramids On Earth, Edgar Cayce: The other Nostradamus and the unfulfilled fearsome prophecies, Impossible ancient engineering? If science proved some belief of Buddhism wrong, then Buddhism will have to change.. What is the Rinbow Body? In 1939, a Swedish doctor known only as Dr. Jarlvisitedthe heart of Tibet, in his own way, a 20th century Marco Polo. It is believed that every five years on average, an advanced Buddhist monk enters into this enlightened state. The statement was that: "the body looked like it died only 36 hours ago." His body was well preserved, with no indications of decay whatsoever, inner tissue and whole muscles intacted, and with skin and soft joints all in place. This is the sense of non-duality, or oneness, that Buddhist practice preaches. In order to use this site, I agree to the. It is believed that Tibetian Buddhists have achieved this state and have transformed their bodies into light. For example, ordained Catholic priest Francis Tiso documented the case of Khenpo Ach, a Gelugpa Monk of Kham, Tibet, who died in 1998 and how he managed to transform his body into a body of light. https://soulhealingacademy.com/evenimente_viitoare/pranic-consciousness-process-intensive/. In order to attain a "Rainbow Body", a person has to be able to liberate their body into light by having only loving thoughts, among other things of course. But the networks are rarely fully active at the same time. 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