I have very serious medical problems due to mold, I was an independent contractor working for Asset Management companies, Banks, HUD, Fannie Mae etc, they cut costs on how to fix mold, or get rid of it, or the looks of it. I really dont know what legal action to take and do not know if i can in the state of iowa but i fill like we have been poisoned by something that was known about and not disclosed. I was renting at CottonWood, Westown apartment # 5 in El Paso, Texas. We have financially struggled with the situation and are now being forced to move in with family to get back on our feet. I just dont know what else I can do. And the health and consequences of toxic mold exposure left untreated tore my life apart.. Dont let it happen to your family. Make sure you hire someone with proper training and experience. MoldBlogger has several articles regarding anti-fungal diets and other remedies. Is the manufacture responsible for this or is anyone a fault? Renters living apartments infested by toxic mold have recourse too. Its been almost two weeks now he still has not been back and i can clearly see spots of black mold in side the hole he cut out on the drywall . Have you been able to identify the source of water in the Kitchen? and they just painted over it. No lawyer, even the lawyer who specializes in these cases will even tell me why I cant sue this slumlord. What can I do to beat this landlord..Thanks. Then he said look in his room, (db0) and showed me his room and i have never seen so much mold.. Never. They are scared to call the insector because they cant afford to move elsewhere. Here is the response I got from Jim Pearson, who often helps us answer in our Q&A section: Hello Sheree. She sent the maintence worker over and he just wiped it down with Tilex and left. I hope this helps you! What legal rights do I have against my landlord? Her answer was always that they could not afford to put a new roof on. Im currently working on and want to make county and state depts awear of this old problem and new illness in todays life style in which we are forced to live with and hope to have a impact so no one else needs to go through this illness and health risk, please if you like what I have posted and have to say please contact me at [emailprotected] and please advise your doctor of the mold exposure and have a mold test done in your home for there is over 27 different kinds of toxic mold and mold in gerenal is bad and isnt healthy for the human body or animals but when talked about in the county or states eyes they say its a private industry to deal with this new illness and no one will address the issue.I have no problem standing up and even forcing the issue and make them hear me,,and my advise is get out and yell if you have too but dont be forced to live and pay a slumlord for poor health conditions and get healthly by getting away from the mold and make them listen, till later all and keep your chin up and be postive ,slvc, Thanks Sheldon, I received your message and will be contacting you tomorrow and we can speak further.. Dr. asked about his living conditions and we told him we believe that there has been mold in the house for years. The median amount awarded in auto accident cases was $16,000. Not to forget they are both disabled. There was water pouring through the ceiling in MULTIPLE places last year. I then found out he had filed a Small Claims case against me to collect from me. The Service Master tech told me I needed to get out of the house. This nightmare took four years of our life, It is when you start paying with your life that wakes you up. Aside from any affirmative disclosure requirement, however, if you decide to list a property for sale, you should be ready with responses to questions potential buyers might ask about plumbing, humidity, and ventilation issues in your building. I have told my landlord several times. here, moved because the landlord wont do anything to address or help with the mold issue. If no action is taken from the housing, and the doctor states his condition could be from the mold, is this a liable lawsuit, or does it work differently with military housing? As I had already made all the arrangements and had people loading my things, I went ahead and signed, but it didnt make sense to me that in spite of knowing my move-in date for a month, they waited until THAT day to clean the carpets. My children suffer from severe allergies and are sick all of the time. We asked again at the end of Feburary and they sent someone to test it and test the air quality. I slipped on the wet stairs and tore my knee and sprained my wrist.! I have broyhill furniture that has black and green mold on all the backs. We have no other choice but to get my parents moved out as soon as possible and take legal action for this nightmare that this landlord has caused my patents to endure!!! My fiance, 3 young children and I have been living in our apartment for a year now and there has been mold build up in the air vents in the living room and bedrooms. Angela, simply withholding rent will get you evicted. We moved into our new custom built house, no mold visible, no smell completely odorless . My son and I have experienced severe headache and nausea . Unfortunately, I have been fighting this battle for years- finally awaiting on County to go after the City. There are also other reports and complaints of mold and illness by past residents on the internet of this same complex. I have been running up my credit card to get by with only needed utilities, car payment, ins. All I get is my $250 sec. Since my illness I still have severe sinusitis attacks, I now suffer allergies (which I never had until the mold), my memory is still very bad, my right side shakes uncontrollably at times (my left side does too but it happens to my right side more), I have severe muscle aches, severe anxiety. It falls under the EPAS indoor air quality regulations.. Ill forward the link to the statute in the next post and you can look into it.. Since 2010 the small stain which was told to us as a paint error has grown. Homeless with no money. At the end of a year the soap dish pulled off the wall revealing large amounts of mold in the wall cavity by the tub. Two days ago we found moldnot sure if its black mold but it is black. I have toxic mold in my condo, was exposed for 8 years previously in a Toronto downtown condo. They make it seem like its my fault. July 30th, 2017 we had the same situation but in our patio closet where the hot water heater is. I am renting an apartment where I signed a one year lease. I found out that from the 6th day on I had a zero deductible. What can i do in this situation? hi there, i have lived in my house for 3 yrs now, I have been very sick and aches and pains my son has lost 40 lbs and looks really ill well the ceiling in his old room came down and its full of black mold ,, they put new siding on our house and windows 2 yrs ago my husband told them to replace the roof before anything. All point to mold as a causive factor especially with someone has a pre existing condition with hx of allergies to dust mites and cockroaches which makes mold and allergen for me,thus asthma and excerbation of sarcoidosis. In California, the statute of limitations for a personal injury claim is two years from the accident date. My mother shares a wall with a small (cant call it an alleyway cause its not big enuf) area that runs between the houses and her bedroom window with a window AC unit are on that same wall. I rented an apartment on August 15, sight unseen because they did not have one to show me. The landlords send someone to the above apartment somewhere to fix something, but the only think i got for his ceiling was a can of Kilz. Mold grew on your contents because the spore load in the air was substantial. I experience headaches, sore throats and other symptoms. I hired an attorney because after spending months cleaning, painting, laying carpet, etc and being so sick I could barely move the landlord decided unless I found someone to take my place and move into the home he wasnt giving me back my 500.00 deposit. Over the course of the last 3 months or so I was progressively showing symptoms of illness but wasnt aware yet It began with the inability to get cool, sweating profusely, muscle ache, joint pains, headaches, and nausea All of which were at different times and didnt seem enough to be symptoms Then I was bitten by a black widow spider The bite started with a bullseye type wound, which increased the symptoms to almost unbearable The bite went away within two weeks and I seemed to be okay. It colonizes and grows in homes, apartments, and condominiums where moisture levels are overly high, typically due to leaks, high humidity, or running water. They did not properly tarp or vent my roof. The first time we called, they said that the employee who gave us the lifetime guarantee, should never had done that and he is no longer with the company, but they would honor it. I lost almost everything that Ive worked my entire life for and that my girlfriend has worked her entire life for and in this rough time in our life we are not financially able to afford a lawyer which Ive been told would cost me $175 plus an hour to find justice. Nothing but organ failure and dis- ease cells are being re- grown in your body and the acid and the ph balence and your brain and skin and moods and everything you know is going on is.. Im so sorry for your loss and mine . Its ironic that my husband and I are both having these medical issues and my children constantly have ear infections, respiratory infections, and nosebleeds. Sincerly, Chakera. In April, a Virginia federal court jury found in favor of Marine Gunnery Sgt. The appellate court's decision started by noting that in cases alleging personal injury due to exposure, a plaintiff must support his or her case with expert testimony demonstrating to a "reasonable possibility" that the injury was caused by the exposure. My tentative suggestion is this: At this point, the first step is to contact the timeshare middle-man or the owner directly and gently explain the situation in its entirety. I have absolutely no money, no insurance, cant qualify for government assistance, and am stranded. My aunt from Boston came to visit me for the first time on 10/19/14. In researching online line I found pictures of hardwood that looks like what I have and in most instances it was mold. Mold in a senior living facility caused an asthmatic event in an elderly tenant, leaving her hospitalized. They are now denying that they will pay for what they promised like gas, bills, and groceries. No complaint about mold was made to the owners during the stay, 3. We had as management if we could break our lease and be compensated relocating cost so that we can live healthy lives. I had water pour through my cam lighting . I still may have frontotemporal Dementia. Last month I kept smelling something musty coming from the back of the apartment which is where our bedrooms are. From day one Ive tried everything possible to freshen my home,but that mildew odor is still existing specially when it rains. It was very hard on my husband. But something i had not mentioned to you until now, is a week before i wondered if there was a door on the ice machine so i could see inside it, a filter or what not.. I had to use small heaters or the oven to warm up the place. but to put it together you have to first shut off the water to the toilet. The next day I got extremely ill. No money to move or hier a doctor, let alone a lawyer. We rent a townhouse in California. All the check in sheets stated that it was safe to work down there. Ive had a minor pipe burst before and a couple of toilet leaks that were all repaired the day of. The one area is starting to leak water where I NEVER had water damage before. There are big black spots that continue to reappear in our shower tile even after cleaning it thoroughly. How do I get formal toxic black mold testing at no charge to me? I started getting migraines a year and a half ago for no apparent reason. All the Ballards received money for was the value of their house and mental anguish. He hasnt taken action but I still pay my rent. They tore down the ceiling in our main office, to repair the problem. TO MY BATHROOM IT CREATED MOLD SO NOW IT HAS GOTTEN WORSE I BELIEVE ITS ALL AROUND MY HOME MY KID HAVE BEEN GETTING SICK I HAVE BEEN MISSING WORK AND ON THE VERGE OF LOSING MY JOB PLEASE HELP I BEEN TOLD TO TAKE THEM TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT .. Be aware that you may be required to provide the rent board with proof the treatment was not only needed but imperative to your health and safety as a tenant. Both claimed that they had become "extremely" sick as a result.Attorneys for the Federicos made claims for both breach of contract and negligence per se. I rent a house and have told my landlord several times about the ceiling leaking. RESOLUTION. I need a lawyer to take my case either against my homeowners or all the docs that left me to die. Two months ago, a panel outside the home that is part of the addition and where the rain runs off of the section where its been leaking, separated from the main home and is black with mold. Contact us at 714-660-4313. Please help !! I rent a duplex from a property managment company and have only been here 2 mounths . You have a case whether you purchased or rent. I work in a federal facility, one of the plumbers removed some drywall in my office and there was black mold behind it, quite a bit, he admitted several weeks later he knew it was there, and they then removed us. I figured because it was a holiday you wouldnt come by so i went to bed. When I talked to my landlord they admitted that they were aware of the problem from before I moved in and just never decided to mention it. I lived in low income for 15 years and for the last past 5 years i have been living in hell.my apartment is so disfunctional..Im a single mother i have a son who is artisted and he have epilepsy uncontrolled seizure.Anthony is living in a hud home with mold and mildew leaks all over the house in the bathroom the kitchen my son room mold is growing around my bathroom tub and sink.i have so meany violation around my unit its not safe for my son. My daughter moved out from her apartment a little over a month before her lease was up because we finally realized it was the mold in her apartment- (around windows horribly) that had caused her to be sick for around six months with a chronic cough and intermittent flu like symptoms. It would turn on, but it would never heat or cool. Our adjustor called and told me not to get my hopes up because it will likely not be covered. If so, they may cover water damage and mold claims. My asthma doc. . Simply put, the two different antibodies are produced by the human body in response to various antigens. Maybe they figured this was a good way to unload a problem apartment. This year's cases also reflect the differing contexts in which mold personal injury claims can arise: occupational exposure, habitability claims in rental housing, and nosocomial infections in hospitals. Its been 11yrs. Thank you and have a nice day. I dont know how to proceed in order to protect ourselves. My clients had cats for 11 years with no problems before they moved into this apartment, he said. If you are short on money or something and thats why its taking you forever to fix things let me know. Thank you for your assistance. If consumers are made aware that foreclosures are being improperly treated for mold, an extremely serious issue, their reaction will put a stop to this practice. took damn long enough!!!! My kidneys shutdown. Maximize Mold Litigation Settlements. I washed our clothes with ammonia to kill mycotoxins, and threw away all cloth rugs and furniture, because it is contaminated. GOD BLESS US ALL AND STAY STRONG AND EDUCATED . Under this warranty , a landlord who fails to prevent or clean up mold might be liable for any health problems you suffer as a result. Trying to get the money to do so now. When they sold me the home it had a new paint job and new carpet so I would not have noticed if there was mold prior to me moving in. If the rent board decides your complaint is valid, a City Inspector will issue a Notice of Violation . And I honestly dont know what to do. I contacted my insurance carrier at the time and was told to contact the contractor who did the work. I stopped work in march 2010 due to increase in shortness of breathe and midsternal pain. People who are exposed to toxic mold may suffer from such things as asthma, memory loss, short-term memory loss and depression. You'll have to pay taxes on your damages, however, if you have already deducted medical expenses from your injury. Despite the complaint, no repairs were made and a strong musty odor developed. I have filed suit againdt the contractor that improperly installed a sewer lateral to my home. I was lucky to find my doctor or I would of died. Please someone lead me in the correct directions. Hi, Ive been in my apt 2years. I contacted my landlord who said it was no big deal and that he would fix it. Many students and teachers here are ready to take action to have this problem solved, I am just looking for a little direction as to how we can make this possible. They received $8.9 million in attorneys fees, but $12 million, the largest single component of the $32 million verdict, was purely punitive or exemplary damages levied against their insurer. As I got closer to the dining area, I removed a piece of linoleum and a dust cloud blew into my face. All over the place and not just in the tile cracks.. There was a leak from a toilet flange in the condo we rent. When I asked about this the agent told me they had been really busy. in Lake County, Ohio. All rights reserved. There is mold under the carpet and maybe even in the walls. The landlord sent his friend who was supposed to be a plumber to install a second sump pump but unfortunately this plumber installed it wrong. Im on social security so Im on a very tight budget. A group in California was awarded $1.3 million for claims against contractors that performed work so poorly it caused leaks and allowed mold to enter their homes., This is actually crazy! TIAs speech difficulties I have toxic mold in my condo, was exposed for 8 years previously in a Toronto downtown condo. Please help me and my children. For instance, it could be the result of construction defects, faulty materials, poor architectural design, or the previous owner's failure to disclose known problems. I had to replace a lot of really nice furniture because they were on the floor and fell apart or just completely unusable. So all of those lab tops, cell phone, and wireless stuff is not healthy for us. If youve been suffering from unexplained health issues, this becomes even more imperative. I did some research online for black mold and it stated some symptoms that my children and I have been having. Visit our attorney directory to find a lawyer near you who can help. How long does mold take to grow and how will that affect my children and I? It was after much research and many phone calls that I realized we we suffering from mold exposure. Service Master came out and found the mold had spread over the doorways and down the hall. thanks.. Meanwhile the contractor started demolition and put up no barriers in my home. one week later of moving in, the repairs were not done but painted over. I hated living there because of the mold and the leakage in the ceiling in the bathroom bedroom area. I want to sue my landlordwhere will I go if evicted? The house is over 100 years old. Accordingly, it can be very expensive. Mold can cause property damage. I demanded repairs be made before paying anymore rent, and was told to move out. Since the start of the mold litigation boom in the early 2000's, a cottage industry of so-called medical and environmental experts has arisen. I sent them pictures of the mold, medical records and a letter from a physician saying it was the mold that is the cause of my illness and they say I did not provide enough proof. Did allergy testing and showed allergic to EVERYTHING now it seems including 8 kinds of mold. Ive been told by the doc and fire chief to move ASAP. I had to start keeping a notepad to write down every little thing in order to remember.. A couple thins we have pointed out to owner. he had an inspection and it failed there is leaking hot water tanks on both sides causing the floor to rot. In mid Jan I was in our personal double car garage that is directly under our unit and I had smelled a bad odor. Thanks Lori, Me and my kids have been liveing in hud apartment for years and have contacked houseing over two years ago about the mold in my apartment.i was told to wash it with bleach.it comes back rite away.me and my son have had sevel helth prombles i beleave caused by the mold.houseing refuses to fix it and sid its my responsibility to clean it.iam a diabetic to and fear my family is at risk, I need help. At the very least, they should have known the correct steps or called in an expert. My landlord tells me to spray and clean it with bleach. You can google it and see how dangerous it is. According to Miller, water intrusion started leaking into a master bathroom vent in the Mazza unit from an upstairs toilet in November 1999. Though being disabled and not well many times its a bit hard to go out and see new places in the winter. Ive tried to find a lawyer and and am having no luck. Ive been in a mold filled house for two years and they refused to fix it. Last year they were required to provide bottled water and boil water to a certain temperature for a time, while complaining that it wasnt necessary. I dont know what to do at this point. My grandson has a weaning cough and the doctors told him he is allergic to something. Of Marine Gunnery Sgt everything now it seems including 8 kinds of.! The water to the owners during the stay, 3 due to in. Had as management if we could break our lease and be compensated relocating cost so that we can healthy! 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