Five (5) business days prior to any Rule 30(b)(6) deposition, the party that receives a notice of deposition pursuant to Rule 30(b)(6) shall provide via the MDL listservs the name(s) and title(s) of the witness or witnesses who will be providing testimony on that party's behalf, These facts, even if discovered solely through the company's . 1999); Crimm v. Missouri Pac. - Knowledge of all driver's record of duty status or driver's daily logs and 70/60 hour - 8/7 day summaries or otherwise described time worked records created by Defendant Dughly and/or any of his/her co-driver(s) for the period from at least 90 days prior to the accident and for 30 days after the accident. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 30(b)(6), an organization must designate one or more officers, directors, or . However, there are a number of different rules which do come into play on this issue. 0000027653 00000 n As a result, it is not uncommon for the corporate representative to be an individual with no or limited knowledge and/or involvement in the events giving rise to the lawsuit. Doc. Knowledge of all maintenance files and records from at least one year prior to accident maintained by Defendant Rolfes in accordance 49 CFR 396 on the truck tractor involved in the accident inclusive of any inspections, repairs or maintenance done to the tractor tractor. 85 0 obj <> endobj The rule has two basic requirements. . Rule 30(b)(6) is not designed to be a memory contest, and a deponent does not have to successfully answer every question posed by the opposing party to complete a deposition. B. Knowledge of all driver's licenses and truck driver certifications which Defendant Dughly possesses (currently) and did possess on the date of the incident. 48 These amendments redefined the scope of discovery and imposed new limits on written interrogatories 50 and requests for admissions. Knowledge of all DOT and State agency reviews of your company for the period commencing 10 years prior to this collision, to the present time. This would include anyone who investigated Defendant Rolfes's safety rating, safety fitness, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's safety measurement system rating, behavioral analyst and safety improvement category (BASICs) score, unsafe driving history, hours of service compliance, drivers qualifications, drivers history with controlled substances/alcohol abuse, vehicle accidents, list of crashes, roadside inspections, maintenance history, compliance with Federal and State regulations, records keeping violations, and commercial vehicle violations prior to the date of the subject collision. Before you start frantically collecting decades-old records from the nurses station for the witness to memorize, take a moment to review the relevant statute and recent case law. If the order terminates the 1. At issue in this case are the first and third deposition topics. I am so grateful that I was lucky to pick Miller & Zois. (1) Representative Deponent. (a) When Depositions May Be Taken. Knowledge of any and all documents relating to any investigation performed by Defendant Jones Supply concerning Defendant Rolfes's safety rating, safety fitness, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's safety measurement system, behavioral analyst and safety improvement categories (BASICs), including unsafe driving, hours of service compliance, driver fitness, controlled substances/alcohol, vehicle accidents, list of crashes, roadside inspections and commercial vehicle violations prior to the date of the subject collision. Knowledge of any primary, umbrella, and excess insurance policy, or agreement, including the declarations page, for Defendant Rolfes, Defendant Dughly, and Defendant Jones Supply, which was in effect at the time of this incident. With respect to the first and third deposition topics, the corporate representative testified that she had no personal knowledge of how the decedent fell or of the design and placement of the electrical box. You are advised that you must designate one or more officers, directors, managing agents, or other persons who will testify on your behalf regarding the matters listed in "Schedule A" which are known or reasonably available to Jones Supply Company, LP. Rule 30(b)(6) requires a party to present witnesses who are prepared to testify about information known or reasonably available to the organization. Fed. This specifically includes readable and complete copies of bills of lading, manifest, or other documents regardless of form or description, that show signed receipts for cargo pickup and delivered along with any other type of document that may show dates and times of cargo pickup or delivery that are relative to operations and cargo transported by Defendant Dughly on the date of the incident. 3. A party may in the notice and in a subpoena, if required, name as the deponent a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or governmental agency and describe with reasonable particularity the matters on which examination is requested. However, a smart plaintiff attorney can defeat this strategy by calling that person as an adverse witness before putting on the plaintiffs key witnesses. The deposition will be recorded via stenographic, audio, and/or videotaped means for the purpose of discovery and/or used as evidence and/or any other purposes permitted by the Maryland Rules of Civil Procedure, including use at trial, and will continue day to day until completed. The issue in this writ proceeding is whether a corporate representative designated for deposition pursuant to Rule 57.03(b)(4) can limit his or her deposition testimony to personal knowledge instead of testifying about facts that are known or reasonably available to the organization. The panel will discuss how to respond to a Rule 30(b)(6) deposition notice and select and prepare witnesses for the deposition. | All documentation defining Rolfes's "safety rating"; All documentation Rolfes received in the course of any onsite examination of motor carrier operations, including Defendant Rolfes's operations. banc 1994). This language mirrors the language of FRCP 26. See Lebron v. Royal Caribbean, 16-24687-CIV (S.D. Knowledge of every federal, state, county, municipal, insurer and/or internal motor carrier collision report or other collision reports concerning all collisions in which Defendant Rolfes (or one of Rolfes's drivers) has been involved, including the collision at issue in this cause and all collisions prior to the collision at issue in this cause, pursuant to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation 390.15(b)(1) and 390.1 5(b)(2). However, parties frequently include generic listings in their witness lists, such as references to a corporate representative of the defendant, or adopt the other partys witness list, which may be deemed sufficient to include the corporate representative designated for purposes of appearance at trial. For nonparty deponent corporations, the rule requires that the noticing party issue a subpoena. A writ of prohibition [or] mandamus is the proper remedy for curing discovery rulings that exceed a court's jurisdiction or constitute an abuse of the court's discretion. State ex rel. 0000005124 00000 n 0000008677 00000 n Knowledge of all documents, books, reports, manuals, policies, and memoranda setting forth Jones Supply's safety rules and regulations with respect to the loading, securing the load, or operation of tractors or trailers. A party may, by oral questions, depose any person, including a party, without leave of court except as provided in Rule 30 (a) (2). Ilana Drescher is an associate with Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP in Miami, Florida. Knowledge of any and all letters, writings, memoranda, or any other documents which reflect or contain the resignation or termination of the employment or contractual relationship of Defendant Rolfes with Defendant Jones Supply. Knowledge of all disciplinary action contemplated or taken against Defendant Dughly involving the operation of the motor vehicle he was operating at the time of the collision. (a) When a Deposition May Be Taken. 0000002791 00000 n trailer Knowledge of any and all documents regarding any communications between Defendant Jones Supply and any Defendants, their agents or employees, concerning the load that was being transported by Defendant Rolfes and Dughly at the time of the collision. Knowledge of all documents relating to any disqualification of Defendant Dughly made pursuant to any Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation. 0000002069 00000 n 9 Your corporate client just received a notice pursuant to Rule 30(b)(6) directing its corporate representative to be prepared to testify about every time a past, present, or future employee of the company sneezed over the last 15 years. Knowledge of the Defendant Jones Supply employees who were responsible for and played a role in negotiating and establishing the hauler relationship between Defendant Jones Supply and Defendant Rolfes. Knowledge of any statements, written, audiotaped, or otherwise recorded or memorialized of any of the parties or witnesses to the incident. Sample 30(B)(6) Deposition - List of Documents to be Produced by Defendant. A lack of familiarity with the Rule's . In doing so, the court relied on three key principles: (1) Rule 30(b)(6) does not require a corporate representative to provide testimony regarding information that the corporation does not have, but rather requires an organization to testify about information known or reasonably available to the organization; (2) Rule 30(b)(6) does not require a deponent to testify with computer-like detail as to unreasonably broad topics; and (3) Rule 30(b)(6), pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26, does not require a deponent to be prepared to testify to matters that are not relevant to any party's claim or defense. 0000000656 00000 n The primary purposes of having a corporate representative present are (1) to put a human face on the corporation/legal entity and show that it cares about the issues in dispute, (2) to assist the attorney in the presentation of the case during the course of the trial and (3) to allow the designated witness to hear the testimony of the opposing witnesses. During discovery, plaintiffs notice a Rule 30 (b) (6) deposition of your client's representative, but elect to forgo the deposition in exchange for negligible admissions filed by your client. Before the rule was adopted, you had two options if you wanted to depose a corporation. Hopefully, you will be able to reach an amicable agreement about the reasonable bounds of the corporate representatives testimony. P. 30(c)(1), and in many jurisdictions, it is at least an open question as to whether deposition witnesses can be sequestered in the course of pretrial proceedings, with many attorneys taking the position that it does not apply. /content/aba-cms-dotorg/en/groups/litigation/committees/pretrial-practice-discovery/practice/2018/adequately-preparing-a-corporate-representative-for-deposition. All rights reserved. Your membership has expired - last chance for uninterrupted access to free CLE and other benefits. Knowledge of all documents relating to any out of service records for the vehicle involved in this incident extending from the date of the incident and 5 years prior. Knowledge of all evaluations or criticism of the job performance of any of Defendant Rolfes's drivers by Jones Supply, including but not limited to annual evaluations, interim evaluations, or specific incidents that gave rise to an evaluation or criticism. 0000003049 00000 n Corporate Representative Depositions: Notice Provision of Rule 30 (b)(6) by Carter E. Strang and Arun J. Kottha Federal Rule 30(b)(6) is the vehicle for taking de-positions of corporate representatives in civil cases. The circuit court abused its discretion by overruling Relator's motion to compel production of a substitute corporate representative prepared to testify regarding Defendant's organizational knowledge of the identified deposition topics.1 The alternative writ of mandamus is made peremptory. Thus, the use of the deposition must be permitted by both Rule 32 and the Rules of Evidence. Knowledge of any documentation evidencing the completion or non-completion of training programs, safe driving programs, and driver orientation programs by Defendant Dughly for Defendant Rolfes. Knowledge of all DOT inspection reports filed for Defendant Rolfes for the year of this incident and five years prior. After all, if the plaintiff merely intends to ask a series of questions about which the individual has no knowledge, then the evidence is irrelevant in all probability or, at a minimum, unfairly prejudicial to the defendant corporation. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff, Taylor Martinez, by and through her attorneys, Ronald V. Miller, Jr., Laura G. Zois, Esq., Justin P. Zuber, Esq., and Miller & Zois, LLC, pursuant to the Maryland Rules of Procedure 2-412 and 2-416, will take the deposition upon oral examination, for use in discovery and at trial, of the following persons on the date and at the time indicated below before a person duly authorized to administer an oath under Maryland law to be recorded stenographically/audio/videotape. We serve the following localities: Baltimore; Prince George's County including Bowie, Laurel, Landover, Hyattsville; Anne Arundel County including Glen Burnie; Baltimore County including Cockeysville, Glyndon, Hunt Valley, Jacksonville, Lutherville-Timonium, Owings Mills, Parkville, Reisterstown, Plaintiff Attorney Legal Information Center, Example Pretrial Documents for Plaintiff's Lawyers, Example Deposition Transcripts and Outlines. See Fed. The representative also testified that she did not review documents or consult with Defendant to establish Defendant's position with respect to these issues. Defendant Jones Supply Company, LP shall produce a corporate representative(s) with the knowledge and ability to testify regarding the topics described in the attached "Schedule A.". 475, 476 (S.D. Knowledge of the accident register maintained as required in. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE CITY, MARYLAND. Relator served Defendant with a notice requesting the deposition of a corporate representative. Rule 57.03 - Depositions Upon Oral Examination (a) When Depositions May Be Taken (1) After commencement of the action, any party may take the testimony of any person, including a party, by deposition upon oral examination without leave of court, except as specified in paragraph (2) of this subdivision. Knowledge of any and all long-form DOT physicals for Defendant Dughly for the time he was a driver for Defendant Rolfes. The corporation, in turn, "shall designate one or more officers, directors, or STATE ex rel. Knowledge of any and all documents setting forth any policies, procedures, guidelines, recommendations or directives regarding driver conduct, driver safety, driver hiring, subcontractor hiring, commercial carrier hiring, discipline or firing prepared or used by Defendant Jones Supply during the five (5) year period prior to the subject incident and through the present date, together with all amendments, revisions or supplements thereto. The panel will also review the "meet and confer" requirement applicable when noticing a Rule 30(b)(6) deposition. 0000000016 00000 n Knowledge of each of the following documents reflecting Defendant Rolfes's compliance with. . to testify on its behalf and these persons must testify about information known or reasonably available to the organization. If youve received a Rule 30(b)(6) deposition notice that seems unreasonable, the first step may be to pick up the phone and call opposing counsel. b`Sk>482?m``vMjmx@!f732 WpH3-00%iF ~ ` C xbbb`b``I j Knowledge of all payroll, compensation, incentive pay for Defendant Dughly for work performed covering the 5 years preceding the collision and including the date of the collision. (1) Without Leave. 246) Plaintiffs requested a telephone conference with the Court to discuss whether Defendant Washington University should be allowed to not designate a representative to discuss three topics A. The Missouri General Assembly recently enacted changes to the discovery rules, which became effective on August 28, 2019. The rules of evidence also permit the trial judge to exclude irrelevant evidence or evidence which, while relevant, would be unfairly prejudicial. Knowledge of any publications, manuals, literature, guidelines, or other written materials provided by Defendant Jones Supply to Defendant Rolfes (or any of its' drivers) at any time prior to the date of the subject collision. Knowledge of all documents reflecting any background check performed on Defendant Dughly with regard to their employment history or job references, including letters of reference. Casetext, Inc. and Casetext are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice. I understand that submitting this form does not create an attorney-client relationship. They quite literally worked as hard as if not harder than the doctors to save our lives. Corinne REIF, Relator, v. The Honorable Michael T. JAMISON, Respondent. startxref . P. 1.310 (b) (6) and begin your discovery voyage. After the deposition, the plaintiff moved for sanctions and to compel a second corporate deposition, alleging that the corporate representative was not adequately prepared to testify. Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetexts legal research suite. The purpose of a writ of mandamus is to execute a clear, unequivocal and specific right, not to adjudicate. 2007)). See CCP 2025.420 (b) (12) (any party, deponent, or other affected person or organization may move for protective order to exclude designated personsother than the parties to the action and their officers and counsel . A fairly standard requirement is that potential witnesses must be identified on witness lists exchanged by the parties. Defendant did not raise these objections before or during the deposition or in opposition to the motion to compel. 0000002469 00000 n A deposition can also be used to discover additional evidence to use at trial or discover information that can lead to admissible evidence. In the CIRCUIT COURT for BALTIMORE CITY, MARYLAND basic requirements that the noticing party issue subpoena. 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