[66] This book proved vital in solving the case of Bleeder. Theres always another secret, but well have answers to some as of November 15th! Also, you talked about, as I mentioned, how you want to discuss this theory. Kelsier is a fully trained Mistborn, despite his half-noble half-skaa ancestry. I represent that one thing you've never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. Be. [39], The plan was to secretly build up an army of twenty thousand trained skaa soldiers in the Arguois caverns while at the same time causing confusion and distrust in the nobility to cause a house war. People have theorized similar about Hoid. He is the central figure of the religion known as the Church of the Survivor . On Kelsier's way back to Luthadel, he made a stop at the farm of Lord Themos Tresting to talk with the farm skaa. Kelsier is a former thief from the capital city of Luthadel. Though, in my opinion, I dunno if Ruin would try to forcethe Lord Ruler to kill Kelsier. Even with the Eleventh Metal, Kelsier proved no match for the emperor and was quickly killed by a spear through the heart. He always keeps a smile on his face, because that is the one thing the Lord Ruler can't take from him. Even though that is the OP, it would also be good to know where the discussion has evolved too, cause I am confused by that too. Kelsier had traveled there several years after the Catacendre, inhabiting a physical body that was spiked in the right eye, and found the Southern Scadrians slowly dying of an unexplained coldness. After Vin had recovered from her extensive injuries, Ham took her with him to allow her to watch him burn pewter effectively, but they quickly returned to Kelsier with news that Yeden had had his troops attack a garrison outpost against their main objective. The Final Empire: Mistborn Book 1. All Im saying is that whether or not TLR could have been hemalurgically spiked depends entirely upon whether or not the rebels stabbing him with spears only stabbed hard enough to just barely get the metal heads in, which would technically allow for hemalurgical side effects, or if the rebels stabbed him with enough force that the spear head went ALL THE WAY THROUGH HIM and stuck out the other side of his body, leaving him with only the wooden haft still inside of him and the metal heads not touching his insides. His healing heals his spiritweb, so it's theoretically possible to use him as an infinite source of spikes.. Of course, the WoB about it just says that spiking Hoid would work very weirdly. [19] After she and Elend are killed, Kelsier spoke with them before they moved on to the Beyond. After Camon and Vin left, Kelsier realized that the ministry had already discovered that Camon was a thief and only played along to find the crew's hideout. The man tells a villager to "survive.". If were talking about Kelsier getting spiked though, I dunno what the point of spiking him would be. And you kind of responded with a lot of hate there. Kelsier dies. Kelsier, famously known as the Survivor of Hathsin, is a powerful Mistborn and one of the main characters in Mistborn: The Final Empire. Kelsier has been confirmed by WoB not to have a spike, so although he was being influenced by Ruin's plans, Ruin was not controlling his motions and therefore he did not have the intent necessary to perform hemalurgy. Without a Physical aspect, his powers failed. [2] Kelsier later reveals in his letter to Vin that he had intended to use the Eleventh Metal to destroy the Lord Ruler but could not discover how to use it in his fight. As punishment, Kelsier was sent to the the Pits of Hathsin to mine atium for the Lord Ruler. Vin decided to stay in order to see if he told the truth about trusting others.[35]. Gave Entrone: An amateur archeologist who insulted Steris at a party. Vin didn't trust him but agreed in order to learn how to use Allomancy. We dont haveto do this. He feels guilty for abandoning her but does his best to help her. Now we are two Books deep into the Second Era and maybe i need to re-read them with more cosmere awareness but i cant remember any hints of a Cognitiv/Cosmereaware Kelsier . Some of the Survivor's less pleasant traits include his ruthlessness and prejudice. Allik Neverfar: A Southern Scadrian (specifically from Malwish), Allik is an airship crewman who was captured by the Set. I find it odd how specific Kelsier's death is. He offered to teach her about gold and atium, gave her the money he took from Camon, and allowed her to leave, as he didn't want to force anybody into his crew. [67] Harmony also made vague allusions to the Southern Scadrians that Kelsier once ruled as the Sovereign. Kelsier's martyrdom and seeming resurrection spawns a new religion, the Church of the Survivor, which venerates Kelsier's teachings. Leras is fascinated by Kelsier due to him being the first to punch him after death, and being the first to attempt to recruit him to their schemes. Those who had been close to Kelsier, particularly his thieving crew, are notably discomforted by his religious image. At the beginning of the novella, Kelsier is killed by the Lord Ruler, but refuses to pass on to the Beyond, and instead becomes trapped in the Cognitive Realm, between the Physical and Spiritual realm. He died at the end of the first book in the original trilogy but theres always another secret. Wax, Wayne, and Marasi work together to take down Miles Hundredlives, a compound bloodmaker who has been kidnapping women and stealing aluminum for a shadowy organization called The Set. At the end of the book, the kidnapped women are still missing, Miles is executed, and Wax discovers that his uncle Edwarn, whod been presumed dead, is actually alive and a member of the Set. Before his death, Kelsier had tried to unlock the potential of the 11th metal, which was rumored to be the Lord Ruler's weakness. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. Will Wax and Wayne wield weapons with wild wantonness? "Everything I learn is just another tool for the tool box", -Kelsier, the Tool's Bible (citation needed). [71] He was hours away near Southern Scadrian when Telsin planned to send a bomb on Elendel, and tasked Moonlight, TwinSoul, and Marasi to take care of it. When Marasi Colms discovers an agent of the Ghostbloods, Moonlight, she manages to convince her to take Marasi to a warehouse in Bilming to aid in the fight against the Set. The Lord Ruler is pierced through the chest with a spear, basically a long spike, then uses that spear to stab Kelsier. HE CANT BE HEMALURGICALLY SPIKED IF THE METAL ISNT TOUCHING HIS INSIDES. You cant discuss a theory with only the people who agree with it. [33] As a Cognitive Shadow tied to Scadrial, it is difficult for him to travel to other planets via Shadesmar. (Otherwise, Inquisitors would be very very dead). Even if he had, Kelsier died after being stabbed by the spear, but a hemalurgic spike would not kill: vital organs actually move to accommodatethe spike and keep the subject alive. Except if you remove the spike, you leave the alteration because the Identity is not matched. Maybe Im just not saying it in a way that can be understood. .1 Global Archive Voiced Books Online Free No Naked Ads -> Here!Mistborn 01 mistborn, p. Shadows of Self begins with Wax now working in conjunction with the Elendel constabulary. Ranette: Waxs gunsmith and a Lurcher (iron-pulling). Allegedly dead as of the end of TheBands of Mourning, but heyits a Cosmere novel, who knows? With the help of MeLaan, another kandra, they hunt the killer down, only to discover that its Waxs presumed-dead ex-wife, Lessie; turns out she was Paalm all along. Proceed with caution.). Kelsier is described to be a middle-aged man with hawkish features and light blonde hair. [8] Despite Preservation not usually being able to speak into the minds of other, due to some combination of Spook being near death, having a broken soul, and believing Kelsier was a god, he was able to talk to Spook. Mister Suit had been captured and possibly killed, but Lady Sequence (Telsin) had escaped, and there are rumblings of more devious plots afoot something to do with the kandra who are working for the Set, and Trell. [63] The Ghostbloods believe Kelsier to still have his Allomantic abilities,[64] and he appears to be playing into this lie.[32]. I cant find that WOB in Arcanum, but he definitely had at least one spike at the end of Bands of Mourning. I dont mean to sound aggravated or anything. Kelsier authorizes the engagement of all agents in Elendel to help in any way possible, and has Twinsoul and Moonlight accompany Marasi to Autonomy's army from marching into Scadrial. He is the central figure of the religion known as the Church of the Survivor. Is Trell the true Big Bad of Era 2? Lyndsey is a renaissance faire performer and magic wand-maker. Solid in the metal you fed to Elend. [76], I don't want to be responsible for something happening to you, Vin. He eventually plays an important role in freeing her from Ruins influence. MeLaan: A kandra who has been around from about the time of the Catacendre. If it did, when Inquisitors are made, the spike would have killed them before it gained a Hemalurgic charge. On the battlefield, Kaladin would be more likely to win. A Steel Inquisitor had been present, discovering Vin's Allomancy. 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He was born to a noble and a skaa mother, a fact that would have her killed due to the illegitimacy of it. At the end of the book, Waxillium Ladrian is given a feruchemic coin by Hoid which stores the memory of a man with one eye and one hemalurgic spike, with arms covered in scars. Kelsier's own role takes advantage of his Mistborn training, allowing him to assassinate nobles, cause disruptions in the Great Houses and eventually ignite a house war that would tear Luthadel apart from within. Marsh/Ironeyes/Death: Kelsier's Inquisitor brother, who possesses Hemalurgic spikes, allowing him to use the abilities of Hemalurgy. He told Suit that the Set had decided that allowing civilization on Scadrial to continue was too dangerous and that they decided to remove life on this sphere instead. The creature then activated an explosive device, apparently killing Suit. Throughout the course of the original Mistborn trilogy, he was been working behind the scenes to try to help Vins cause. The two of them have a strained relationship. Like all Southern Scadrians, he wears a red and black mask at all times. In addition, Kelsier is a competent warrior, defeating multiple Hazekillers and Mistings while outnumbered and disarmed. The protagonists find a temple to a man they assume is the Lord Ruler, in which is stored the allomantic and feruchemic Bands. Kelsier also is quite adept at pewter-dragging, as he is capable of running long distances and experiencing only minor fatigue afterwards. We dont really know if the rebels that stabbed TLR used enough force to get the head of the spear all the way through his body so the metal head of the spear wouldnt be touching him. There are hints throughout Era 1 that Kelsier was still around, including Sazed flat out saying that Kelsier requested Spook be made a Mistborn. See the original version. Its relevant to the past in the cosmere. We want to discuss this theory. It is there revealed that it was Kelsier's ghost who stabbed Elend at the end of Well of Ascension, not Preservation. Kelsier then made his living as a thief, becoming famous throughout Luthadel. The spear head doesnt have to leave the body. His late wife Mare collected pre-Ascension memorabilia, and he keeps one piece, a drawing of a flower,[7] to inspire his crew. He hid the artifact away somewhere in the north and then disappeared. We do it because we want to. Many years after the Catacendre, the cult which started after Kelsier's deception with OreSeur directly following his death has become a fully-formed religion. In The Final Empire it can be argued that Vin represents the reader of the book as she is constantly in awe and has a great amount of respect for Kelsier.The reader is able to learn about the world, the magic and the other characters through the eyes of Vin, and because of this, we admire Kelsier, holding him up to almost a supernatural standard. I am hope. All I want is for somebody to clarify what your theory actually is. [citation needed], To put the plan in motion, Kelsier first targeted Keep Venture, as House Venture was the currently most powerful house in Luthadel and an attack on it would have the greatest impact. Kelsier and his brother Marsh were the sons of a nobleman father and a skaa mother. Then Yeden would gain control of the city and the crew would receive the Lord Ruler's atium stash as payment. As of Mistborn Era 2, he may be a feruchemist and he has not gained access to allomancy since his death. Does that make any sense? Shes the bastard half-sister of Steris. But spiking modifies the spirit web, which is the same whether your a cognitive shadow or not,and so it could have provided him benefits. He connects us to his characters. Kelsier is the leader and presumed founder of the organization, which Mraize calls "the most powerful organization in all the cosmere. [31] He lost these abilities in death and has not recovered them.[22]. To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. What are you trying to say you think happened? People tell me I can be downright frustrating! I worried about doing this, actually, since it seemed a little too expected. [51], From the Well of Ascension, of course. the original post says a lot: Are you asking if the rebels were influencedby Ruin? All I want is for you to clarify your theory. This was changed by Vin who fell in love with Elend Venture. The Inquisitors' eyespikes poked out the back. Uncanonically, Brandon imagines Kelsier as using a Seon in a trench coat as his 'avatar'. Sazed, after becoming God, grants Spook the power of a Mistborn and heals him of his ultra-enhanced sense (an effect of continuously flaring tin for extended periods of time). He is a half-blood skaa with a father from the noble class. Marsh resents Kelsier because Kelsier had success with the skaa rebellion soon after Marsh quit being its leader. I have to explain myself like, seventeen times. Then he killed the noble Lord Renoux and let OreSeur impersonate him. ifKelsier was spiked? Our Privacy Notice has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which you accept by continuing to use this website. His near invincibility as a Mistborn warrior fuels his reckless nature. [43] He feels Ruin's presence during his time in the Well. It's the same power, after all. "[3] He is referred to by Hoid as "the Lord of Scars. Thus was born a sense of resentment for the nobility in both children, which resulted in Marsh becoming the leader of the Skaa Rebellion and Kelsier became a crewleader for a gang of Misting thieves, stealing from the noble families. Will it be revealed to be the Big Bad of the series after all? Marsh is aware of Kelsiers current activities as a Cognitive Shadow. Not again. At some point, Kelsier had the Ghostbloods on Scadrial work in order to resist the oncoming threat of Trell. Taken in congruence with the events of Secret History, this man appears to be Kelsier. [3] He considers him to be very dangerous. The spirit of Kelsier often appears in Spook's hallucinations, granting him the power to burn pewter and guiding him through difficult situations. Even if it weren't a viable metal, as a Mistborn he would have been able to burn it, and he wasn't able to sense it at all. Marasi and MeLaan rescue him, and he assists them on their quest to find the Bands of Mourning. After Holding and releasing the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier became a Sliver. Kelsier is Vins mentor and teaches her to use her Allomantic abilities. Yet, his death isn't truly that sad to me. They discover that theres a murderer on the looseand, even worse, Harmony contacts Wax directly to inform him that this murderer is a rogue kandra named Bleeder/Paalm whos gone mad. In Bands of Mourning, we were introduced to the Malwish, a culture from Southern Scadrial. Gemmel frequently put Kelsier into life and death situations in order to push him to learn how to use his powers. [47] After that, he left the area of the Cognitive Realm surrounding Scadrial and moved closer to finding the Ire. He met with Yeden the leader of the skaa rebellion and made Yeden hire him to bring down the Final Empire. On its relevancy, just because it has spawned a discussion does not make it relevant to the present and futureCosmere. Yeah sorry I meant the head of the spear. He also searched far and wide for possible ways to defeat the Lord Ruler, and managed to find an ingot of the fabled Eleventh Metal (he claimed he had found it in the west, which is considered to be a lie. When that happened, after everything he and Vin went through, I was in a state of sadness for days. Kelsier went on a pewter flare run to save the army, but was too late to stop the battle. The Set was not after the Bands of Mourning as originally believed, but rather the airship and bombs located within the temple. The elite of the underworld, each of whom had one of Kelsier's various abilities, were recruited. Ive done my best to include things that I think youll need to know going into the next book. If you dont like this theory, move on. Nothing elsehappened in that square that really advanced his plans much. Spear to stab Kelsier use cookies, which you accept by continuing use! This book he met with Yeden the leader and presumed founder of the Survivor 's less pleasant traits his. We use cookies, which venerates Kelsier 's ghost who stabbed Elend at the of. Seeming resurrection spawns a new religion, the spike, you leave alteration!, but heyits a Cosmere novel, who possesses Hemalurgic spikes, allowing him kelsier mistborn death be for. The body just because it has spawned a discussion does not make it relevant to the illegitimacy of.. 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