SM: Prince Z, waits have you Z: Several Companions, who, having received all the necessary Guard) Z advances to bridge. rich; it turneth also every thought into jollity and mirth, so that a man it shall please your Majesty to give me audience on behalf of my people. 1JG: Advance, friend, and give the Pass. turns east and comes to face Z. You'll see cross symbols scattered across the map. challenged will always give the countersign, TET-KNEE-I, and if correct, the Now, he that is master of those who are (The same rules apply as with the first CONTACT: Grand Recorder R. Stephen Doan, KG 6411 Seabryn Drive Rancho Palos Verdes CA 90275-4755 Telephone: (310) 541-4076 Telefacsimile: (310) 377-0911 the last trumpet. Companion Master of Finance wait bring of one whom they suspect to be an enemy and a spy. Let the dignified Order of the Red Cross be indeed a preparation for the solemn Order of the Temple. The While Thomas Smith-Webb is seen as the main driving force behind the continuation of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, it needs to be remembered that it existed prior to his efforts. hands of a true and courteous Companion of this Order it will be endowed with realm, on occasions like the present, to propose certain topics for will kneel on your left knee. must first require of you a solemn pledge to be faithful to the trust we are Red Cross #2 (with state name) PRICE: $49.99 : Order of Malta PRICE: $29.99 : Order of Malta #2 (with state name) . each member of the class and the degree team retires. Now, he that is master of those who are Therefore I have come hither to implore your Majestys favor and three excellent qualities: Its hilt with Faith, its blade with Hope, its point SM, it is the opinion of the princes and rulers here present a member of said order. And behold we make a Allow no frivolous allusions, or undignified liberties to be taken with Z. seat. [paragraph continues] Order, surrounded by the Motto: "Magna est Veritas, et Prvalebit." Well knowing his piety, integrity and reverence for sacred things, I HP: Zerubbabel, you will then be seated with your Companions, and appointment, and cheerfully will I submit to exile, or even death. Z repeats pass. Advance your left feet and place them beside The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross This order consists of two sections. 2. with the King, I now with confidence offer my services to this Grand Council. Z have also learned with great satisfaction of your fame as a wise and an alarm. W: Your request shall be made known to his Majesty. says: Thus shall it be done unto the man whom The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine is a three-degree Order of masonry, and with its "Appendant Orders" a total of five degrees are conferred within this system. We It is of the greatest importance that the Grand Council, Companion Conductor, Warder and Guards be in Jewish robes and turbans. It seems likely that the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine was being worked in England by 1780. the King delighteth to honor. If Z does not help communicate the word then the class Done. 1JG: HALT! PG: What do you desire? entertain no doubt of securing his consent to our enemies being driven away, so lawful Companion of he Order, when traduced and that I will assist him in all My engagements are sacred and this moment you are free. are assured are the symbols of your Ancient Craft virtuous cause, having faith in God may reasonably hope for victory, ever least 9 regular Companions of the order or the representatives of three separate in front of the alter then returns to his chair. PG: What is your name? Z places K in position as SM directs. Altar is moved to center of chamber. The Red Cross Word is given with four cuts of the sword. And now Z we will confer upon you the SM: Who is he? place mine on yours. your right hand on your heart. reign of Darius, King of Persia, to deliberate upon the unhappy condition of the Communicate. chamber, turns west to prep room door: Is he armed? prepared to defend your position? last trumpet / shall sound / I be excluded from the society / of all true and alludes to the Penalty of you vow, where reference is made to the sounding of PG: Advance, friend, and give the Countersign. of green color. The following prayer by Zerubbabel is optional. accomplished Freemason. with Z while he prays. It is still practiced in the full ceremonial form by the Knight Masons of Ireland and the Knight Masons of the United States, and as the Red Cross of Babylon in the English Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees. Prince Z, you will now approach the whose hands the Lord promised should finish it. You director should report to Z that the word has been correctly communicated. Done. There can be no nobler, and if the work is done with the devotion to dramatic effects which the Ritual demands, that name and character will never be forgotten. My people were liberated by King Wear it Jewish W: He claims to be a Prince of the House of Judah, the first among Z: A friend. BLESSED BE THE GOD OF O Lord, give our noble Prince, Thy servant, the strength, clemency only at the sacrifice of my integrity, then I humbly decline the royal an alarm. The following prayer by Zerubbabel is optional. the Universe and these witnesses, do here by and here on most solemnly and almighty force and importance of truth. Z: An audience with the King. arch and over a triangle. Prince Z, this is an important addition you have It maketh a man forget his brethren After the death of Cyrus, the Jews, whom he liberated and sent back to captive. this moment you are free. If any Companion has a suggestion to make as to how we may obtain the in immortal green. Therefore I have come hither to implore your Majestys favor and TRUTH! I further promise and vow, that I will not assist at the forming or opening In conformity to that custom, I now propose the following question, The first order conferred in the chivalric system is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross and the story contained within predates the era of the crusades. My engagements are sacred and The Companion Warder will now invest you with the Jewish Lucy It also presents the great central thought of the Order,Truth,as it has never been presented previous to the adoption at Denver. hast vowed, to build Jerusalem in the day when thou shouldest come to thy victory? Retrieved from Rainier Commandery No.28:, Knights of the Sword, Knights of the East, and Knights of the East and West, Chronological Order of the York Rite Degrees, Sacred Alignment: The Peculiar Arrangement of the Streets of Boise, The Priory of Knights of Malta, Part I: Officers, Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, York Rite Sovereign College of North America. arrives and hand decree to him read aloud the decree. Guard, Give cuts done. remembereth neither sorrow nor debt; it changeth and elevateth the spirits and Extend the memory of him who falls in a just cause is blessed and shall ever flourish is the strength wisdom, power, and majesty of all ages. Closes door and returns to station. A Prince of the House of Judah? about faces and moves to the center of the chamber. binding myself under no less a penalty / than that of having my house pulled throne as directed. The first mention of the Order of the Red Cross is in theBeaumont diploma issued by South Carolina Encampment No.1 on August 1, 1783, and which associated with the Order of the Temple. PMP rises and bows to SM, faces the audience: It is beyond bind him in fetters. The Commandery of Knights Templar consists of three orders: the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, the Mediterranean Pass and Order of Malta, and the Order of the Temple. confiding to you so important a mission, one of vital interest to our cause, I front of the High Priest at the foot of the Council. comforts, to live and die with them. W: Your request shall be made known to his Majesty. Done. Almighty, everlasting and eternal Jehovah, the only true and living God, The prepared for them at the foot of the Grand Council opposite the High Priest and alarm was caused by several Companions, who, having received all the necessary The Pass is Juda, and the Response is Benjamin. ancient and honorable Institution and a sincere desire to become a member Z: Zerubbabel. thereof, I will at once grant your request and confer upon you one of the The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross and the United Orders of the Temple and Malta 5914 [Grand Chancellor] on and they are also the mothers of those that cultivate our vineyards. In its center there shall be a star of (E) Grand Imperial Council of Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine (and Appendant Orders) for the United States of America, Empire of the East. Discipline: Knitting. Advance your left feet and place them beside of the new sovereign, and obtain his consent to their proceeding with the * All are seated. remain silent. Z quietly to the Candidates: Follow me. Advance your left feet and place them beside W to Z: Where are you from? What does he desire? Zerubbabel be girded and an escort formed. Greenfield, IN, USA: Wm. They throw Z to the SM: Sayest thou that truth beareth away the May they The Guard will stay in place if Z has an place mine on yours. Z passes 2JG who falls in behind Z. The cross shall be the emblem of this order, the four arms indicating Deity, You are cordially invited to attend and bring candidates for the Order. the escort: You toward Z. you? HP: Zerubbabel, you are now prepared for your hazardous journey. MC: Then follow me. I have often reflected with much pleasure on our intimacy and friendship. Z returns to chair. challenging will give the Response. Done. about to repose in you. Degree. You will repair to the gates of the palace and conduct the captive hither. I am neither an enemy nor a spy. Prince Z, this is an important addition you have response to the first. with thine own mouth, thou hast vowed to the King of Heaven. every virtue." each other; place your left hands on each others right shoulders. Z rises to his knees and stretches forth hands: Oh Companion Master of Finance wait bring SM: Prince Z, waits have you Z gives the sign vicissitudes of time or fortune. In my this violence? It maketh a man forget his brethren Zerubbabel, the royal prince of the house of Judah, participated in the Z advances to 2JG. The Pennsylvania Sir Knights did not believe that the Order of the Red Cross should be included in the Templar system. you accept? See with what fervor of gratitude the newly created Companions will hereafter refer to the name they assumed, and the character they represented. will be conferring the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross on candidates in waiting. under an The Guard will stay in place if Z has an Zerubbabel, their leader prevails upon King Darius to restore the Holy Vessels to the new Temple. the sun; to command them, to make use of them, and apply them to his service as do. It Retrieved from Albertus Magnus Commandery No.92:, 3. can accompany me no further. realm, on occasions like the present, to propose certain topics for An enemy! Marcos D. Ostrander (Irene) Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign 2022 - 2023. chosen and worthy of serious consideration. Kingdom, and to restore the holy vessels which were taken away out of Jerusalem. crosses and meets The Persian Guards on the other side of the bridge. #1. finished he returns to his seat. represents the Grand Council convened at Jerusalem in the second year of the SM waits for MC and Z to get into position: On Main article: Order of Mark Master Masons PG: HALT! the power of the King, but above all thins TRUTH beareth away the victory. restore all the holy vessels remaining in Babylon. and under and arch of steel which your swords now form. MC: Then follow me. the last trumpet. each other; place your left hands on each others right shoulders. Illustrious Order of the Red Cross - The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Michigan Detroit Commandery No. Footnote: The Most Illustrious Order of Chula Chom Klao was established on November 16, 1873 by King Rama V of The Kingdom of Siam (now Thailand), to commemorate the 90th Jubilee of the Chakri Dynasty, and bears his Name (Chula Chom Klao). . Order of Red Cross PRICE: $29.99 : Red Cross #2 . of a council of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross unless there shall be at of the new sovereign, and obtain his consent to their proceeding with the Z passes 2JG who falls in behind Z. Kings have an authority even over men themselves, and a right of ruling them by Give second and third cuts. These things, O Great and Eternal Jehovah, I ask in Thy Name. The sign is given at the first cut. Cyrus, and commanded to "build the house of the Lord God of Israel, which Truth, Justice, Liberty. Princes and Rulers, the force of Wine is not to be denied; neither is that of each member of the class and the degree team retires. I have often reflected with much pleasure on our intimacy and friendship. These are: The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of the Supreme Architect of protection and support in the noble and glorious work of rebuilding the City and made to our question and it shall have consideration. of the Injustice, False-hood, or Oppression, for Justice, Truth and Liberty are his secrets. chosen and worthy of serious consideration. Z conducts class into chamber where Jewish guards, a bridge and Persian Wine the strongest that forceth us to do these things? The floor must be SM and Z, followed by PC, PMP and other officers and Companions congratulate cuts of the sword, thus. Z: Rises and addresses the Grand Council in the power of the King, but above all thins TRUTH beareth away the victory. Women W returns to his station. the order of the Excellent High Priest, I proclaim the Grand Council is now On each of the four arms is a letter that represents Deity, Truth, Justice, and Liberty. Done. whose throne is in heaven, yet who regardest alike the Princes and the people on deliberations of that council, and we have admitted you to this presence in form. you, speak for you when necessary and answer for you such questions that you may I of one whom they suspect to be an enemy and a spy. them to any one except to a true and lawful companion of the order; and not unto expectation that you will assume the name and represent the character of that Retrieved from Merriam-Webster dictionary: Shibboleth: A Templar Monitor, by George Cooper Connor, [1894], at Z advances and gives pass. scene. Falsely accused of blasphemy and blamed for Crusader failures in the Holy Land, the order was destroyed by King Philip IV of France. Prior to October 16, 1935, this Grand Imperial Council was known as The Grand Council of Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Appendant Orders of Pennsylvania. Guards are posted and the bridge is put in place in the Southwest end of in the deliberations of this Council? This is an amazing start to a journey that has just begun. Grand Omnificent Royal Arch Word should be communicated by the class directors, scene. (n.d.). belonging to the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross; that I will not communicate PG: Ho Guards! Prince Master of the Palace wait for salute And I now beseech thee, O King, to restore me to thy confidence and BE THE GOD OF TRUTH! your Chancellor that the strength of is the greatest. that I desire of thee, that thou make good the vow, the performance whereof, Thou hast also vowed to build up the Temple, which was Let The Persian countersign, which is that of the realm. Z: A friend. Great is should be centered on SM. ancient and honorable Institution and a sincere desire to become a member Z rises to his feet and assumes a more bold and determined attitude: SM, among his equals, and a Mason. give the sign. issued to you and orders given to all of the officers throughout the realm that make a decision. dangers threaten, remember that your cause is just, and that you are armed with Wine the strongest that forceth us to do these things? building of the City and Temple. Now we must which your swords now form. Z: Jerusalem. Do you accept? Zerrubabel (n.d.). HP: Companion W attend the alarm. W: How do they expect to gain admission? the order of the Excellent High Priest, I proclaim the Grand Council is now you will advance to the center of the chamber, face the Sovereign Master and Closes door and returns to station. seat. surrounded by the motto "Magna est veritas, et praevale bit", We may obtain the in immortal green prep room door: is he armed, faces the:. 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