September 30, 2022 marked the last day Governor Newsom had to sign or veto new bills passed by the Legislature to end the 2022 legislative year. All eyes are on the Newsom administration, in terms of being able to secure these protections in the next two years, should the referendum make it to the ballot.. The number, billed as an alternative to 911, is intended to make it easier for people experiencing mental health emergencies to tap into the states network of National Suicide Prevention Lifeline call centers. Understanding the prison-to-streets problem. This year, CapRadio is focusing on 10 new laws that could impact your world. In July, the new federal 988 number debuted in California and across the country. SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Every year, new laws are approved in California in the hope of tackling the problems people face in the Golden State. It would also require the states public health department to regulate the reduction chambers where its done to prevent the spread of disease. It also abolishes the requirement that coroners investigate stillbirths and protects someone who helps a pregnant person end their pregnancy voluntarily from criminal or civil liability. They say the bill is overly broad, and that setting privacy regulations state-by-state could create confusion for businesses. A vast constellation of student groups, labor unions, business organizations and YIMBY activists who support more housing development. In 2022, California Gov. AB 2799 would require prosecutors who want to use creative expressions as evidence of a crime to hold a pretrial hearing away from the jury to prove that rap lyrics or other artistic expression are relevant to the case. If the answer is no, they then do not get paroled, Martin explained. AB 1757: Newsom and environmental justice groups were supporters. Advocates on both sides of the bill have for years called for reform of the licensing system. Senate Bill 1137 would prohibit new oil and gas wells or extensive retrofitting of existing operations within 3,200 feet of homes, schools, nursing homes and hospitals. Carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, exacerbating severe weather events and causing global changes in temperature and precipitation. The council also says that children often misunderstand their gender identity and are likely to regret their decision to get irreversible treatments such as hormone replacement therapy and gender-affirming surgery. Supporters say poor and Black and Latino residents are disproportionately affected. Apartments would have to be either 100% affordable or mixed-use, meaning market-rate but affordable to at least 15% of lower income earners, or 8% of very low income and 5% of extremely low income earners.SB 6, by Democratic Sen. Anna Caballero of Salinas, would bypass the first step in permitting housing on commercial real estate while allowing other opportunities for local input, like CEQA. Gavin Newsom proposed in mid-August. On Jan. 1, the minimum wage in California will increase to $15.50 an hour. The contentious measure mirrors draft legislation Newsom proposed on Aug. 12, with a few key differences: Newsom wanted to extend the life of the plant for ten years, which received widespread opposition from legislators. We get a moment in time, but this might live on, if we make it real. Here are 11 categories of new laws that take effect next year across California. SB 1020, authored by state Sen. John Laird, a Democrat from Santa Cruz, sets interim targets for generating clean energy. Prior to state legislators focusing on creating a bulwark for abortion rights, two women in Kings County were imprisoned and charged with murder after delivering stillborns and testing positive for methamphetamine use. Backers and foes of this bill say they want the same thing: more student housing. A 2022 study from the Institute for Health Policy Studies at UC San Francisco showed that white ex-convicts were more likely to benefit from clean slate laws than Black people, for example. I think, especially in high school, the threat of a legal consequence will mitigate behavior. Versher said. Researchers have found a strong link between leaving prison and entering homelessness, but have struggled to find exact data. In 2022, the minimum wage in California was $14 an hour for employers with 25 or fewer employees and $15 an hour for employers with more than 25 employees. Newsom and dozens of cities and mayors desperate to deal with the worsening mental health crisis on the streets. This new law expands to all consumer products sold in California and enacts penalties of up to $2500 per violation. Included is a plan to monitor toxic leaks and emissions, and install alarm systems. California's facing a potentially catastrophic shortage of providers, especially in communities of color and rural areas, a problem that is only expected to get worse in the next decade, Atkins said. And, as more out-of-state women travel to California for abortions, this measure seeks to protect California abortion providers from criminal and civil liability elsewhere. Civil liberties groups, immigration advocates and a constellation of criminal justice reform groups, including the California Public Defenders Association. Nearly 650,000 residential and 46,000 business accounts owed more than $315 million in unpaid water and wastewater bills by September 2021. Gavin Newsom pushed legislators in mid-August to help meet the states carbon-neutral goals. The United Farm Workers and other labor groups say the bill protects agricultural workers from interference and intimidation when voting in union elections. It also was labeled a job killer by the state Chamber of Commerce, a criticism that has been taken up by trade unions. The labor truce also matters: Following years of heated debate and dead bills, unions put their differences aside, at least for this year. US Congress House Bill 1667: Mental health for health care providers. Please contact CalMatters with any commentary questions: The bill is meant to address the chronic student housing crisis by sparing development from environmental lawsuits that in the past have slowed down dorm construction. In a signing statement, he sought to make clear that the measure does not apply to any speech outside of discussions directly related to COVID-19 treatment within a direct physician patient relationship. I am signing this bill because it is narrowly tailored to apply only to those egregious instances in which a licensee is acting with malicious intent or clearly deviating from the required standard of care while interacting directly with a patient under their care, he added. We expanded it to schools because we decided that was a sensitive space where we don't want, especially our young people, to be terrorized.. It was co-introduced by a bipartisan group of Assemblymembers: Democrats Buffy Wicks from Oakland and Cottie Petrie-Norris from Costa Mesa and Republican Jordan Cunningham from San Luis Obispo. SB 221 by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) Health care coverage: timely access to care. By banning this practice, this bill would eliminate the pink tax, which supporters call the additional costs to female consumers. At least 140 organizations and more than 400 individuals registered their opposition to the bill because they say it sets up a system of coerced, involuntary outpatient civil commitment that deprives people with mental health disabilities of the right to make self-determined decisions about their own lives. Instead of building up the critical housing and mental health infrastructure people need, the costly new court process will simply re-traumatize people struggling with mental illness, they say. A signing message can be found. SB 1 by Senator Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) Coastal resources: sea level rise. That means [cyclists] get a little bit of a head start to get through the intersection, which are the most dangerous places for [them], Banks said. The bill would also prohibit the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation from putting certain groups in solitary confinement, including inmates younger than 26 or older than 59, pregnant people or those with mental or physical disabilities. Those exemptions could both speed up the process and lower the cost of building homes. The opposition is led by the California Family Council, which argues that gender-affirming care is not an agreed-upon treatment for transgender children. Here are some of the new laws to help Californians: But now, the law could be put on hold. The plant is currently scheduled to shut down in 2025. The law suggests that Oil and Gas interests . Headlining that effort is AB 2223 by Democratic Assemblymember Buffy Wicks of Oakland. AB 118 by Senator Sydney Kamlager (D-Los Angeles) Department of Social Services: C.R.I.S.E.S. We need to start implementing some things that work so that all students in California can be successful in having very strong academic foundations instead of taking a child and disciplining them and kicking them out of their learning environment either temporarily or permanently, she said. Legislators introduced more than a dozen bills this session designed to improve and protect access to abortion in California. The bill will require drivers to change lanes before passing a cyclist, if a lane is available. The next she had to talk with the attorney and would call him back. Womens rights organizations, nonprofits and political advocacy groups comprise the bulk of the bills supporters. A federal judge has ruled that the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has systematically violated the due process rights of inmates, and continues to ignore a 2015 settlement between the state and two Pelican Bay State Prison inmates held in solitary confinement for decades based on their perceived gang affiliations. Many people living near the wells are low-income people of color, creating an environmental justice imbalance. They would no longer be held in solitary for longer than 15 consecutive days, or 45 days in a 180-day period. Eleni Kounalakis and a number of professional medical groups and patient advocacy groups. It has been this way for almost 100 years. Others are rather narrow or specific to a certain industry. SB 65, the California Momnibus Actby Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) will go into effect in August 2022, helping tackle racial and ethnic disparities in maternal health outcomes by improving research and data collection. Newsom, U.S. New California laws going into effect in 2022 include to-go cocktails extension, harsher penalties for wage theft Katie Dowd , Andrew Chamings , SFGATE Dec. 20, 2021 Updated: Jan. 2, 2022 7 a.m. AB 257 creates a state-run council to set labor standards across the fast food sector, including on wages, safety and other workplace conditions. Newsom signed the bill on Sept. 14. Want to submit a guest commentary or reaction to an article we wrote? The bill was introduced in March by Democratic Assembly member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan and 17 co-authors from every legislative ethnic caucus. And under current law, lower-earning workers contribute a greater share of their paychecks to the program than higher earners because of the cap on taxing incomes above $145,600. AB 245 by Assembymember David Chiu (D-San Francisco) Educational equity: student records: name and gender changes. The two centerpiece bills of the Future of Abortion Councils package SB 1142 and AB 2134 were guaranteed $60 million in the June budget, but legislators were left to hash out how that money would be spent. The new law requires the California Rehabilitation Oversight Board, part of the Office of the Inspector General, to issue annual reports to the governor and Legislature. They say the plant is critical to Californias efforts to provide a steady power supply as it builds its renewable energy sources, cuts greenhouse gases and reduces reliance on fossil fuels. Newsom signed the bill on Sept. 27, as part of a package of legislation on equity for women. California lawmakers approved SB 222 by state Sen. Bill Dodd, a Democrat from Napa, which offers state assistance to low income residents who struggle to pay for drinking water and sewage. SB 395 by Senator Anna Caballero (D-Salinas) Excise tax: electronic cigarettes: Health Careers Opportunity Grant Program: Small and Rural Hospital Relief Program. It argues that dismissing records for violent criminals will reduce deterrents for repeat offenders and jeopardize public safety. The bill, carried by Democratic Assemblymembers Al Muratsuchi of Torrance and Jim Wood of Santa Rosa, would also institute time limits to prevent such delays. Newsom signed the bill on Sept. 30, among his final decisions. The bill received not a single dissenting vote from lawmakers. Some cities and counties have a higher minimum wage than what is required by the state. Californias fight against climate change requires a massive shift away from fossil fuels. A 2017 study by the advocacy and policy organization the Guttmacher Institute found that more than 40% of counties in California dont have a clinic that provides abortions. Instead, the groups are advocating for more market-based approaches that trade credits and capture and store carbon while still allowing continued use of fossil fuels. Notably, law enforcement has not weighed in. Disability rights groups from across the country worry the model sets a dangerous national precedent. Atkins own AB 154, which passed in 2013 and permitted nurse practitioners to conduct first-trimester abortions under a doctors supervision. The COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing and the virus has killed more than 94,000 people in California. The first deadline passed Jan. 2020 . The groups argue that COVID disinformation is dangerous and undermines public health efforts. The group says it would have supported the bill if it excluded violent criminals. For example, last year the nations poison control centers saw a spike in calls after people reported taking ivermectin, an anti-parasite drug for animals, to cure COVID-19 after being persuaded by false information shared by influential people on the internet. The legislation only addresses undergraduate degrees. In 2021, a Contra Costa man was convicted of murder after an expert prosecution witness testified that the mans repeating of rap lyrics from popular songs was a confession to his own alleged crimes. It would exclude crimes requiring the offender to register as a sex offender. They also say the plants extension could delay much-needed investments in renewable energy. Those reports must include, among other findings, data indicating the number of parolees who are experiencing homelessness, and the number of those parolees experiencing homelessness who have previously been identified as having serious mental health needs, according to the text of the law. COVID disinformation has been linked to vaccine hesitancy and in some cases has popularized unproven treatments. Tom Umberg of Garden Grove and Susan Talamantes Eggman of Stockton. One new law would task the California Department of Education with developing evidence-based best practices for restorative justice. SB 41 by Senator Thomas Umberg (D-Santa Ana) Privacy: genetic testing companies. Hopefully this will increase the use of bikes and make it safer for folks on the road.. When you apply for housing, you have to say whether you have a criminal record or not. The bill by Democratic Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer of Los Angeles would require judges to balance the value of the evidence with the undue prejudice and racial bias possible when that evidence is presented to a jury. Diablo Canyon provides about 10% of the states power. Sex offenders would not be eligible. Among the new laws taking effect January 1 are nation-leading protections for workers and important measures to increase the states supply of affordable housing, create a more inclusive state, expand voter access and protect consumers and the environment from harmful chemicals: In October, Governor Newsom acted on the final bills of 2021, which advanced his historicCalifornia Comeback Planfeaturing the most robust small business relief package in the country, unprecedented direct financial and rent relief for Californians, the largest increase in homeless housing in state history, universal Pre-K and a historic $15 billion climate package to advance Californias nation-leading climate agenda. AB 1757: Farmers and grower associations opposed the bill, saying it would be economically unfeasible for them. You cannot racially target and terrorize people.. The California Catholic Conference has led the opposition on all of the abortion bills, including these two, and is among a handful of other religious groups opposed. AB 988 would raise funds to support call centers and mobile crisis teams associated with the new three-digit federal mental health crisis hotline, also 988. Up until the last day of the session, Democratic lawmakers responded to shifts in the national abortion landscape with amendments aimed at curtailing some of the ripple effects of the U.S. Supreme Courts reversal of Roe v. Wade. Minimum wage bump Businesses with 26 or more employees will be required to pay a $15 minimum. The Assembly bill, which razes more neighborhood forums, has a longer list of opponents. Legislators approved a one-time $40 million appropriation for the fund as part of the budget. The minimum wage has been gradually increasing under a 2016 law that brought workers hourly minimum pay from $10 to $15. After eight months, Californias legislative session came to a close on Sept. 1 with a final flurry of frantic activity. But just after the bill was signed into law in September, a referendum effort fueled by oil and gas companies was launched to undo it. The bill responds to a recent national wave of legislation that aims to restrict access to gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth. SB 552 by Senator Robert Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys) Drought planning: small water suppliers: nontransient noncommunity water systems. One reason current data is unreliable is that inmates often tell parole boards they have housing, even if they dont, according to Chris Martin, policy director with Housing California, a nonprofit that supported the law. The first it was tax season. Supporters of the new law say serving prison time can change the trajectory of a persons life permanently and unfairly. This state has long fashioned itself as a "planet protector" but in 2022 it's taking it to a new level. They just dont agree on how to get there or that this watershed environmental law is the culprit. New Annual Reporting Requirement for Pennsylvania Businesses. For example, the bill would generally prohibit companies from collecting, selling, sharing, or keeping kids personal information other than to provide the service that the kid is actively interacting with. Remote Marriages In light of COVID-19, county clerks are now able to issue marriage licenses and solemnize marriage ceremonies using remote technology. Is CEQA the bogeyman its made out to be? So far the states investments in solar and wind have lagged behind its goals. Fast-food workers in California were hoping for higher wages in the New Year after Governor Gavin Newsom signed landmark legislation back on Labor Day. The bill was supported by the environmental group Californians Against Waste and by two companies who offer sustainable burial services, Better Place Forests and Recompose. Thank you! Advocates say the bill will make biking safer. Many of the new laws are minor fixes to laws that legislators and the governor previously enacted. Passed in late September 2021, the new law would allow prosecutors to determine whether an employer could be charged with a misdemeanor or felony for intentionally committing theft of wages, benefits, tips or other compensation: More than $950 for one employee and more than $2,350 for two or more . Supporters say few low-income workers can afford the 30% to 40% pay cut to take time off for a disability or to care for a new child or sick family member. One group was told they were from a country song, the other was told they were from rap. SB 343 by Senator Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica) Environmental advertising: recycling symbol: recyclability: products and packaging. The Western States Petroleum Association and the California Chamber of Commerce were two of the most outspoken opponents, as were farmers and grower associations. Jay Jordan, the CEO of Alliance for Safety and Justice, a nonprofit that supported SB 731, said the barriers ex-convicts face in life after prison are referred to as collateral consequences., If people who have served their time, who did everything the system said they needed to do, are not given a second chance, thats not democracy, thats not justice, thats just pure punitive, Jordan said. AB 1757, authored by Democratic Assemblymembers Cristina Garcia of Bell Gardens and Robert Rivas of Salinas, would require the state to set targets for removing planet-warming carbon from the atmosphere with nature-based methods, such as planting trees, restoring wetlands and scaling up public landscaping and urban forestry projects. Assembly Bill 2282, which takes effect on the first of the year, increases penalties for people who use hateful symbols as part of hate crimes swastikas, nooses, desecrated crosses and expands restricted locations to include K-12 schools and colleges. The bill is an effort to ease the path toward collective bargaining and potentially higher wages for the 400,000-member California agricultural workforce. Todays action gives hardworking fast-food workers a stronger voice and seat at the table to set fair wages and critical health and safety standards across the industry. These records, when they appear in background checks, can block access to employment and housing, which are primary factors driving recidivism, costing California $20 billion annually. On several bills, the governor not only signaled his support, but lobbied lawmakers to approve them. AB 2091, by Democratic Assemblymember Mia Bonta of Oakland, prohibits medical providers, health insurers and prison staff from disclosing abortion-related medical records to out-of-state law enforcement officials who seek to use that information to prosecute an individual for getting an abortion. Lawmakers rushed to pass hundreds of remaining bills before the clock struck midnight on Aug. 31. The bill is supported by the California Future of Abortion Council, a collective of more than three dozen reproductive rights groups convened by Newsom in 2021 to examine abortion access in the state. If at least two union shops dont bid on the project, union-level wages kick in. Scientific and medical analysis indicates that people living near wells are at higher risk of asthma, respiratory illness and some cancers. Gov. States across the country are passing laws to demonize the transgender community, especially transgender youth and their parents, he said in a signing statement. As women from restrictive states come to California, closing our provider gap is more important than ever.. Buffy Wicks of Oakland state-by-state could create confusion for businesses legislation back on labor Day the states public health to. Laws that take effect next year across California 10 new laws that take effect next across! Public Defenders Association many of the new laws are minor fixes to laws that take effect next year California. The California Department of Social Services: C.R.I.S.E.S best practices for restorative justice job killer by the California of. With a final flurry of frantic activity unions, business organizations and YIMBY activists who support housing. 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