In reality, Angel's sire, Darla, had tricked Joyce Summers into inviting her inside and then bit her. Faith declared her appreciation to Angel for continuing to believe in her, and as they walked away together, they reflected about Drusilla's past as a saintly human. Angel and Faith then traveled to Peru to retrieve the Crown of Coils from a demons' lair. Angelus made an attempt to threaten him with mention of the Slayer, but Spike, who had never heard of the Slayer before, became instantly intrigued, and went on to develop a long-lasting obsession with the idea of killing a Slayer. Aliases [55] Angel began to suspect that his return from hell was not accidental, that he must be meant to serve some unknown purpose. She seems so devastated that I kind of wonder if the reversal maybe returned her memory from Angel's "I Will Remember You" as well. However, Angel would also state that it was important to keep trying because things were important enough to fight for. It wasn't until the episode "Angel" in Buffy season 1 that the series finally settled on Angel being a vampire with a soul. But instead, Darla came to the rescue with a horde of vampires. Unlike humans, who grow and learn as they age, Angel was frozen in time. With the exception of while amnesiac, Angel would not take back his birth name of Liam. In gratitude for helping him, Angel gave Spike Harmony's phone number. Angel killed the boy and recognized Buffy, being able to then say her name again.[54]. After the American crew had captured the German submarine, the vampires had escaped their bonds and murdered most of the crew; the few survivors sought refuge behind a locked hatch. white avenger said: I thought that Wes was the only one that Angel ever told about that When did he tell Wes? In the wake of the battle, Angel and Willow managed to reconcile to a degree; she revealed that although she hadn't yet forgiven him, she couldn't hate him either. He refused, and along with Faith, left the church. [32] He was subsequently kidnapped by Spike's minions for a ritual that would restore Drusilla to health. 1900: In China, during the Boxer Rebellion, Angelus tried to resume his life with Darla, who had abandoned him after finding out that his soul had been restored, but found himself able to kill only animals, murderers, and rapists while protecting innocents from Darla. He tended to keep up a stoic and brave face, similar to Oz in that regard. Around the fall of Los Angeles, Angel returned to his notable spiked look. However, Angel worried about Buffy's future with him, with his inability to give her a family or a normal human life. With this, Holtz abandoned his hunt and retired to York until 1774, when a demon named Sahjhan offered to take him to the future in exchange for his promise to kill Angel and Darla in the future. Angel and Faith successfully restore a corpse using the Crown of Coils. [38], 1894: Angelus and Spike were captured in Rome, Italy by henchmen of The Immortal, a mysterious and seductive being with whom they both had a fierce rivalry. [citationneeded] However, he eventually realized he could have "positive sex" through his relationship with Nina.[104]. As a frustrated Spike left the two (being the only one who actually remembered Buffy's connection to Dawn), Angel forced his attention to return to bringing Giles back. As we all know, both Charisma and Cordy were treated horribly by JW. [169] He's particularly sensitive to criticism, usually trivial, such as ones about his looks or nit-picky comments about himself. Liam's little sister, Kathy, had believed her brother had returned to her as an angel, and ignorantly invited him inside the family home. Still, she could not control herself, and transformed into "Dark Willow." [92] Interestingly, Angel once reverted to his soulless personality without his curse being broken, due to having been secretly fed a happy pill that, while under its effects, made him experience perfect happiness. [85] Connor then sank his father to the bottom of the ocean in a steel coffin, while Cordelia ascended to a higher plane, the feelings shared between her and Angel still left unspoken.[86]. [citationneeded], As Twilight, Angel orchestrated the training of rogue Slayer Genevieve Savidge by the warlock Roden, which resulted in the deaths of both threats to Buffy, a mystical missile attack on the HQ of the Slayer Organization and full scale siege on the Tibetan monastery where lived Oz and his wife Bayarmaa. Buffy and her parents in 1986. Wolfram & Hart then summoned Drusilla,[67] who turned Darla into a vampire again. [92] Faith (who had almost died in her quest to capture him) and Willow helped to accomplish Angel's restoration via a brief but violent internal mental duel between his soulless and ensouled states. This thought process eventually triggered Angel into a massive depression after being severely thwarted by several obstacles (Wolfram & Hart, Darla's resurrection), changing his outlook and attitude. Angel realizes how useless he is in his human form, and asks the Oracles to turn back time to make him a "demon with a soul" once more. As they fought the demons, the creatures continuously regenerated; according to Angel, people had suspected this to be an ability of the demons themselves, but Angel realized afterward that they had been restored because of the Crown's influence. Before the Mayor's Ascension, Faith infected Angel with the Killer of the Dead, a poison that slowly killed vampires and could only be cured by the blood of a Slayer. Drusilla and her sisters were all noted to be virgins, and Drusilla was described as being "sweet, pure and chaste." Their emotion-driven discussion is interrupted by the arrival of a Mohra demon. The two appear to have maintained a relationship throughout Angelus' time as a soulless vampire, as they were scheduled to meet in Italy before Angelus' soul was restored. [31] During the two times he lost his soul, Angel regularly exploited his knowledge of his past allies to play on their weaknesses, such as Buffy's insecurities about her sexual performance after losing her virginity,[50] Xander's crush on Buffy with the knowledge that Angel got to her first,[179] mentioning Wesley's affair with Lilah so Fred could hear it,[176] revealing his knowledge that Gunn and Fred killed Professor Seidel,[176] and taunting Connor about the deaths of Holtz and Darla. In the episode "Angel", it's revealed that Darla is the one who turned Angel into a vampire, as well as the one who was his former lover. Angel was flippant of these consequences, too relieved and happy that he had brought Giles back in one piece (more or less) to measure it with the appropriate degree of seriousness recommended. Angel reiterated the damage he was causing and implored him to stop it. Maggie Walsh. [57][104] Additionally, according to Cordelia, Angel possessed remarkable cooking skills "for someone who's on a liquid diet. It's my destiny." Angel continually tries to do the best for his son, Connor. Angel regained consciousness at some point, but did not make it apparent until Spike admitted that he had always admired Angel for his ability to move on from Buffy. Angel fought against Whistler, only for him to transform into a blue-horned demon with very strong melting abilities. The distracted Illyria was then taken down by the Senior Partners' forces. Example, when Angel, Cordi and baby connor are laying in bed after getting that money, and Cordi is talking about a boat, it could be argued that Angel is happy and content in that moment. Drusilla begged Angel not to force her to take back her pain, but as it returned to her body she once again lost all sense. [24], Angel was born a human named Liam in Galway, Ireland in 1727 to a linen and silk merchant and his wife. As the Oracles explain that only Angel will remember the moments he shared with Buffy, Angel's theme ends on a minor key, underscoring the sacrifice being made. Watching it, you felt every tear, every wall punch, every clenched hug. Faith denied this, explaining that she was too busy helping "some sick girl named Dawn." After an intense duel in which the Slayer seemed to have the upper hand, Faith broke down and pleaded with Angel to kill her. Seeing Willow's inner turmoil, Angel was more sympathetic and agreed to take her to Connor and talk to him, but made it clear to Willow that it was Connor's choice to go along with her plan. Me, I fought for my soul, went through the demon trials, almost did me in a dozen times over, but I kept fighting. [98][36][39], Angel was also a fan of pop culture to some degree, enjoying Barry Manilow's music[171] and being a fan of ice hockey;[172] indeed, part of the reason he originally founded Angel Investigations was because of his liking of old detective novels. Angel and everyone else immediately tried to catch it, but ultimately could not stop it in time. [97] He helped Buffy in her fight against Caleb, but she insisted that she finish it on her own. The destruction of a human being. Before running away, she gave Angel a teary and foreboding message, foretelling his dark future involving the three "voices" that would soon come to inhabit his body. After The Oracles a link to The Powers That Be confirm he is human again, Angel and Buffy spend a blissful night together. "[35] Angelus taught William about the art of mass slaughter, including an incident during a wedding party where Angelus beat the groom to death with his own arm. This episode, in which Angel relinquishes the chance to have a normal, happy life with Buffy in order to "fulfill his penance," perfectly typifies Angel's character and fate, says Beagle. As he killed his father, Liam boasted that despite his father's disapproval, he had managed to make something of himself after all. Despite this setback and Giles' initial displeasure of being brought back by him under these circumstances, he was undeterred and insisted they would find a way to fix this as well. [24], Despite his constant stoicism, Angel was more than capable of forming close bonds with others, particularly his Angel Investigations associates. [132] Because of this thought process, he often ended up causing more trouble than he prevented. Just a thought. Status After the submarine suffered damage from a depth charge, Angel was forced to sire a mortally wounded Ensign, Sam Lawson, as he was the only person who was able to repair the damage, and while Angel didn't care about the mission, he needed it to succeed to get the US government to leave him alone, and he needed the submarine so he would not get trapped on the ocean floor. [42] Angel then spent time in Missoula, Montana during the Great Depression. Back in London, Angel met up with Whistler at a pizzeria on the anniversary of their first encounter in New York. The Beast sought Angelus' aid in killing the Svear Priestesses, a group who wished to banish the Beast, whom he could not kill himself. After turning out wrong in his judgment and the archmage's criticism of Angel's selfish motivations, he somehow won him over and was able to use the magical artifacts. [102] The kiss was instrumental in Angel returning to his path; Cordelia passed onto Angel a single vision, which came later that night, and Angel realized what he had to do. He instructed his teammates to spend the day as if it was their last as he spent it by visiting Connor who revealed to his father that he regained his memories and appreciated what Angel did for him but wanted to keep it at that. The most frequent cases of him showing this side of himself stem from Buffy's other romantic relationships, most notably Riley[63][64] and Spike to a greater extent. "[8][9], Enhanced vampire abilities: Angel had the standard powers and vulnerabilities of a vampire; he was immortal, regenerated damage, possessed superhuman physical attributes, and had heightened senses, able to track people by scent alone. With his body healed, Angel, using various spells and enchantments to provide himself with his vampiric abilities, began patrolling the hell-ridden city with the dragon Cordelia, rescuing citizens and sending them, anonymously, to a safe-house run by Connor, Nina, and Gwen Raiden. Unphased by Whistler's accusations, Angel justified that his friends had been in danger, and that he had simply wanted to help. In response, Angel launched a tirade against Buffy, reminding her that, while it was great that she had moved on, he himself could not and had no one with whom to share his pain, culminating in him telling Buffy that she didn't know him anymore and that she had no right to just show up with her "great new life" and tell him how to do things in "his city" before harshly ordering her to go back to Sunnydale. [40] To avenge her death, the Kalderash cursed him with the Ritual of Restoration, which restored his human soul, thus afflicting him with a conscience and condemning him to an eternity of remorse for the crimes and atrocities he had committed while soulless. [20] After being purged of Twilight, Angel fell into a catatonic state. [141], Angel prepared to set up Giles' resurrection with a special incantation he found, intending to use Alasdair's artifacts as well. However, Darla had already been given a second chance at life and Angel's prize seemingly went to waste. As Angel is (at least at that time) the only known "vampire with a soul," he can only assume that the prophecy refers to him. For example, when taunted by the First Evil for his past crimes, Angel cried out: "It wasn't me! Angel begins to lose sanity with three presences inside his body. When Buffy season 1-3 character Harmony (Mercedes McNab) first appears on the spin-off series, Cordelia has no idea she'd been turned into a vampire during their action-packed Sunnydale high. Feeling anguish at his failure to save Darla and fury at Wolfram & Hart for their machinations, Angel fired his crew[68] and embarked on a vendetta against both the law firm and the newly reunited Darla and Drusilla. He was subsequently reunited with Faith when she returns to Magic Town as part of her new job with Zane Pharmaceuticals, but the company's attempt to assist him in assessing Fred's condition results in Illyria taking control once again. [2] Due to his advanced age, however, he was considerably more powerful than an average vampire; for example, he was able to run at such speeds that he appeared to teleport several meters,[42][159][70][92], was strong enough that he could lift up a heavy security gate[87], survive explosions and falls from skyscrapers with little injury,[78][39][70] and withstand prolonged exposure to sunlight and holy items to no ill effect. We all know this, we saw it. Despite being soulless, he was moved to tears during the performance. [22], One night, Angel saved Nadira's life from a vampire, but fled in order to avoid being seen by Faith's Slayers (most of whom wanted him dead for his actions as Twilight). When he asked Illyria to seek out the most powerful vampire in "Hell-A," Angel was horrified when she led him to Gunn. However, the Wolfram & Hart building had mysteriously vanished from existence, and everybody remembered their time in Hell, making Angel and his allies city-wide celebrities recognized for their heroism. He would eventually murder two Slayers, and became a particularly renowned vampire as a result. [30], 1786: Angelus sired a Puritan by the name of Penn, who mimicked Angelus by wreaking havoc on his father and killing his family. When Giles briefly took control, he managed to decapitate Eyghon, which instantly killed him and ended his control over the dead the final piece of Giles' soul was absorbed into the Tooth of Ammuk. [69] His actions also included allowing Drusilla and Darla to slaughter a number of prominent Wolfram & Hart employees, even locking them in the room. While he denied Buffy's pleas to continue living, it began to snow on Sunnydale for the first time, and the sun was blotted out all Christmas. Sadly, at the end of the series, Buffy did not end up with Angel, or anyone at all. Buffy even compared his maturity to that of a twelve-year-old during one of their reunions. Tense and becoming increasingly more impatient, he threatened him and then accused Alasdair of working for Whistler, acutely noticing how it was strange that his items have not been raided yet. "[25] By his twenties, Liam had become a drunken, whoring layabout,[13] whose only real ambition in life lay in someday seeing the world. But Angel's relationship with his teammates, particularly Cordelia, was strained, though things improved rather quickly. Classif. [citationneeded], Later, when Faith returned to the apartment after spending several hours in Brixton with her fellow Slayers, she openly questioned Angel about his time under the guise of the masked Twilight. Angel is horrified by a vision of his role in the Shanshu Prophecy. In 1753, at the age of twenty-six, after a habitual night of drunken debauchery and failed attempts to seduce the family's only maidservant, Liam and his father got into a heated argument; enraged by his son's chronically reckless behavior, his father declared that Liam was wasting his life, and slapped him across the face. Although his dress shirts tend to vary in color, they were often in gem tones and other dark colors. [citationneeded]. "Angel was meant to suffer. "[32] However, this also made him a natural leader towards others. I am Angel. Despite his strained relationship with his parents, he and his little sister, Kathy, had mutual affection for each other.[11]. However, her repeated attempts to interact with him allowed the two to form a budding friendship, which was very surprising and rare for Angel at that time in his life. As a curse. Understanding the truth of her statements, Angel complied without complaint. The couple was then apprehended by Spike and his followers, who planned to have him watch Buffy die at the hands of the newly arisen demon.[49]. [160] Still, he would on occasion put them below the "bigger picture," particularly the fate of the world. [43], 1940s: Angel spent some time in Las Vegas, where he gets acquainted with the gangster Bugsy Siegel. , every wall punch, every wall punch, every clenched hug birth name of.! The `` bigger picture, '' particularly the fate of the world Whistler, only for him stop. 97 ] he was causing and implored him to transform into a state... Summoned Drusilla, [ 67 ] who turned Darla into a blue-horned demon with very strong melting abilities process! Fall of Los Angeles, Angel and Faith then traveled to Peru to retrieve the Crown Coils! Particularly renowned vampire as a result though things improved rather quickly about himself did he tell Wes of Los,... Simply wanted to help eventually realized he could have `` positive sex '' his. 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